Why are young modern women filled with so much hatred for men and boys?

Why are young modern women filled with so much hatred for men and boys?

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Jealousy and inferiority complex

Being rejected or pump and dumped by Chad. I like how these bitches talk like they have any power though, its just comedic more than threatening or angering lol

If you say so, aristocat98.

constant propaganda that they are intellectually and physically equal to men vs the reality that they aren't. This devastating cognitive dissonance manifests as a variety of personality disorders depending on other factors.

>use vasectomy to prevent pregnancy
how about teaching women to not be whores who spread their legs?

It's simply female nature seeping through and taking various forms. They literally can't stand peace and prosperity because it slows down the process of male competition and they will always do their best to bait men into conflict. They hate you because they literally want you to die, it's not a LARP, it's not a joke, they mean it.

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Who gives a fuck. Time for these women to stfu and sit down. You think some pink haired tyranny is going to take up arms and defend you against Xi and Putin?? Wake the fuck up before it's too late.

>take up arms and defend you against Xi and Putin?
Kek, no one is going to fight for you. You're free to collect all the goodwill you have accumulated during these last 50 years.

>Reversible vasectomy so you don't have to use condoms and birth control doesn't fuck with female hormones
Based if you ask me

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Not asking you too. It's apparently obvious who owns the guns in the most heavily armed citizenry ( by far). Your opinion means shit

funny how you never see them say girls should get sterilised. Why is it only men they target?

Ye I don't see the issue here. It would be amazing considering how much birth control pills fuck up womens bodies.

>It's apparently obvious who owns the guns in the most heavily armed citizenry ( by far).

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How about just dont have sex?

Sterilising a man is a simple snip. Costs like 350-1000 usd. Sterilising a woman costs 6 times that and isn't as easily reversible.

I'm already not having sex.

Preaching to the choir my guy

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why are you on tumblr?

but it makes pp feel good

So then stfu nigga

Aren't vasectomies considered not reversible?

There's simple injections to the arm you can give girls now, far less invasive than vasectomies.

i need a tumblr radical feminist wife

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thats why its implying "if there was a perfect vasectomy that had a 100% reversal rate"