Did 100 push-ups yesterday 4 sets of 25

>did 100 push-ups yesterday 4 sets of 25
>in between push-ups did shoulder presses with 30 pound dumbbells 4 set of 12

Fucking rights user-chans. My muscles are sore and I feel like I got a proper good workout in. Tell me you fucking work out, tell me youre socratespilled anons I swear to humping GOD.

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>>Any Forums is that way fag

>calisthenics every day, push ups planks and leg raises are staples
>calisthenics then weights three days of the week

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Pretty basado, user-chan. I like to mix it up too, for my weighted shit i only have 2 dumbbells and a barbell to work with, which is good but I wish I had a bench. I do weight training biceps on day, chest and triceps/shoulders are varied push-ups and shoulder presses, I do a chin up bar workout another day where I do repeat sets of chins up, side grip pull ups and traditional pull-ups, work abs another day with calisthenics, and workout legs another day with usually just body weight and whatever little weights I do have. I repeat that process 6 days a week and take 1 day off for rest

there some user here who has a cycle machine and does 40 km a day on it.
>Tell me you fucking work out,
not me though, i'm not really big on turd polishing.

I hurt myself recent-ish so I've just been doing lighter exercises and some yoga. I usually take walks too but the weather has been shitty.

>warm up of 30 push up, 30sec rest, 30sec side plank with a 7kg dumbell, 30sec rest, 30sec other side plank, 30sec rest (4 times)
>standing dumbell hammer curl 22kg 4*4
>skull crusher with 2 dumbells of 13kg 20*3
>barbell bicep curls 37 kg 5 series of increasing reps, starting at 4
>1 min of regular plank, 10 spinal rocks, another minute of plank
>sitting dumbell bicep curl 26kg, 5 series of increasing reps, starting at 7
also between each exercise I use hand grips, 15 reps of a light one (don't know it's resistance), 6 of a 250 lbs and 2 of a 350 lbs

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sick, user. remember to get 1g of protein per lb of body weight and take zinc supplements, if u don't already, to get the most out of your gainz, and drink water. bless

No I was supposed to today, to start lifting and working out again but I forgot and now it is too late for that. I will do it tomorrow. Well, so I say... FUCK

Good job user. I've gone further than I used to be too and lost 25 pounds this year. Keep up the progress and fuck the haters talking about fit. Anything to give r9k variety is good

Just do it user, never say tomorrow, do it now. It will strengthen your mentality as well and cure your executive dysfunction, just force yourself to do it, you will end up enjoying it
I gots the zinc but I really do have to get some protein mix

If it's warm enough out I walk a couple miles while drinking tallboys.

Good shit user, thats good work bro. Im gonna work biceps today with my weights, probably gonna do abs tomorrow then legs the day after

Good luck. I got abs for the first time in my life during this too and I'm not gonna stop til they're constantly visible without needing to flex

>Just do it user, never say tomorrow, do it now
I agree but I am going to sleep soon so I really shouldn't. I am gonna start in the morning. I WON'T forget this time

Get a good rest then and do it in the morning, no bullshit user get that shit done. It becomes therapy, tranquil, those moments of concentration and exertion free the mind and almost become a state of meditation, the endorphins make you feel calm and happy

I used to work out 5 years ago but then I got really depressed I couldn't muster the will to keep at it. But I know well the physical and mental benefits, I just have to keep going no matter how shit I feel

zinc helps with gains?

It helps your cum volume I hear

i have some kettlebells, resistance bands with a door attachment, and a pullup bar at home, i dont go to the gym

5x5 assisted band pullups because i suck at them
4x8-12 bent over rows with stacked kbs
4x10 band facepulls
4x10 bent over rear delt flies
4xf bicep curls
4xf hammer curls
and i finish off with band bicep curls as many as i can until i cant do anymore

4x8-12 floor kb presses
rotator cuff exercises to warm them up
4x8-12 overhead kb press
4x10 lying tricep extensions (do it on the edge of my bed)
4xf decline resistance band pushes, i attach them to the top of the door and kneel down and bend over, its kind of mimicking a dip

for leg stuff i do this complex called the gladiator complex, and when im done with that i do as much single hand kettle bell swings i can until im completely exhausted

I'm a Stevedore so I get paid to lift. We were short handed today cos we were getting stuck into this massive built but lazy cunt and he thought the best way to save his pride was to fight the supervisor so he's gone.
We did like 120 tons of wet fish in 5 hours I was breaking out stacks and stacking the 40kg bins 8 high. Did some dragging as well.