There has to be a way to cure autism, schizoid personality and low empathy

There has to be a way to cure autism, schizoid personality and low empathy.
Not even the demiurge would deny a human humanity.
It's so fucking unfair, this cursed existence, never knowing love, friendship, empathy, happiness, compassion.

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Speak for yourself,fren
I'm a schizoid pseudo human and I wouldn't want it any other way.

How do you get over the feeling of emptiness in your life when you see others happy with friends and partners? It was fine until I got a job and all my coworkers are turbo normies that have amazing and exciting lives while I have nothing at all to say.

bump while i type up my actual comment

I'm an autist I want to be either a normie or even more autist (just like I was some years ago).

I'm autistic myself, and let me tell you that, at least me, I don't get over that feeling.

I see every normie having a happy life, but I don't, I'm miserable and I would like to be like them.

Prolonged Dry Fasting + The Wormpill + Probiotics + Exercise + Fresh Air is the cure for any neurological disorder.

>feeling of emptiness in your life when you see others happy with friends and partners?

this is even more brutal when it's your own family members who you live with
need to start depersonalising 24/7 again, can't cope

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who is this handsome young man?

I'd say I'm more of a low-empathy schizoid than an autist. I have autistic obsessions over things, but no real difficulty in interaction, just a general lack of interest in people.

Seems like this is the optimal combo, because, like I am fairly comfortable with the way I am, probably because I'm able to keep my social stat above minimum and have no problem acquiring females. Having (or in my case living with) a gf, but otherwise being a basement-dweller, is fairly comfy.

I used to have to put myself in social situations that I wasn't entirely comfortable with, because they might lead to relationships, or, at the very least, some social XP points. Now that I live with my gf, I kind of feel like I "made it", so I rarely feel the need to leave the house. You'd probably have to do the same every now and then, if you want things to change.

You can't, you just have to watch others hit milestone after milestone whilst you're left in the dust.

>I see every normie having a happy life, but I don't, I'm miserable and I would like to be like them.


Seeing happy social normies does make me feel bad sometimes, because I know I wouldn't be able to have as much fun as they are and enjoy the company of others as they do. But I'm also disgusted by them and am actually glad that I'm not like them. Maybe that's a coping mechanism, but hey, it usually works.

Genuine female affection heals SPD, but good luck getting it

>Genuine female affection heals SPD

This but you need the real thing, none of that online crap
it's over

Schizoid isn't curable, as far as we know.

I think you kinda answered your own question.
My brain apparently adapted. That's how personality disorders work.
I am a diagnosed schizoid and I couldn't care less about other people.

There was a time I was spiteful, because I live in a world that's not meant for me and normies force me to do shit like work in offices and what not. But was never envious.

I got my shit figured out these days though so I couldn't care less.

I think schizoid is the new assburgers.
Just because you're award and I to anime does not mean your on the spectrum and just because you don't like the other kids in your highschool does not mean your schizoid.

If you truly were schizoid you wouldn't care about not fitting in or not getting enough social attention.

It's a well documented fact that people with an actual schizoid personality disorder don't give a shit about Beeing a loner.
Suffering usually comes from comorbid depression.

>Suffering usually comes from comorbid depression.
...which happens in almost every single case.

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aite source buddyboe

But it's still two distinct problems.
Back when I was researching schizoid personality disorder in depth I was reading through forums dedicated to the disorder and people generally viewed it as part of their personality.

People in those forums were even generally positive in their outlook.

I feel the same, it's part of me and in some ways even a usefully asset in my professional life.
I overcame my depression so I'm good.

Yeah there tends to be a blurred line between you being asocial but fine with it, and it being a genuine disorder. As a teen I diagnosed myself as Schizotypal, and it was hell. When I became cured, I just assumed that I went from Schizotypal to Schizoid, just because I went from being extremely paranoid about what people thought of me, to not giving a fuck about people at all.

But yes, I think that as long as a minimum degree of social/sexual interaction is maintained, an individual can be asocial and mentally sound, without being Schizotypal.