Is it me or Jewish guys are the only race that people don't obsess over and want to date/have sex with?

Is it me or Jewish guys are the only race that people don't obsess over and want to date/have sex with?

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i dont have any jewish models in my model folder, but they have a white phenotype, so im sure they get sexualized. i think indians have it the worst. a lot of holywood actors are jewish and have female fans

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Don't kid yourself, pajeets are much worse.

cuz doesnt matter what they look, theyre terrible human beings

>their rule to only consider jewish those who are born from a jewish mother
>their praxis to give girls to higher-class men
>their centuries worth of endogamy in orthodox communities

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lmao its just u fag

That's rude user ;_; apologize

Jewish guy here. Indians have it way worse than us, at least on the English-speaking internet. Any time I see a woman talk shit about Indians and how she would never date them, I lose a little respect for her.

Hodim, atem chaverim sheli!

Jews are the eternal cuckolds. Their women belong to literally every other race but theirs. The Jewishness is inherited through the mother after all.
The big khazar milkers woman gets plowed by BWC while the Jew does silly dances and cooks matzos.

dude... i had those as a kid. they were fucking GARBAGE. honestly, besides pita bread and falafel and hummus, most jewish cuisine is pretty shit

however, the one saving grace of israeli food is hamentashen. hamentash are these date pastries. they were SO fucking good. better than a crispy creme donut. literally SS tier. incredible

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I buy Israeli dates sometimes so I'll see if I can get my hands on those things.

That's because jews aren't a race. They just look white or arab.

Jews are not very good looking on average compared to whites etc. They are often rich, but women who want rich Chad don't feel the need to specify rich Jewish Chad as if the jewness added something that the money didn't.

The whole point of eating matzah is to suffer from eating lousy food, just like our ancestors had to suffer from eating lousy food. We're sharing their misery over food.

there are good looking jewish men out there, they get lumped in with whites as overall dating preference though because if they are really good looking they arent going to have typical jew features like a big hooked nose for example.

Holy fuck I just looked it up on Amazon and the prices are truly Jewish.

Why are kikes such eternal drama queens with a self-victimization fetish?

dude, when i was a kid in israel, we had this thing, were we gave someone some sweets, and they gave us sweets. it was like a present exchange

i gave my girl partner a whole bunch the best hamentash, and all i got was this candy coated apple. i remember, i almost broke down crying because of how shitty my present was, and how it wasnt fair that i exchanged hamentash for a stupid candy coated apple

i guess in retrospect, i should be grateful someone took the time to give me any present at all, but still, i felt robbed

they were cheap in israel. you can find them in some jewish bakaries, but you have to shop around. "what-a-bagel" in canada had some, i think, but i dont remember. only certain locations in jewish areas. you can find them if you look in your city

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A holiday is just an excuse for families to get together, after they haven't seen each other for months or even years, and to have a good time catching up over a meal. Not sure why that's upsetting for you.

>I lose a little respect for her
>for her

you lost before you started

On Any Forums? No... They're definitely a fetish and In real life they're seen as white and are a minority soo not really no

>Jewish guys
>a fetish
Well that's suprising :^p