What are your parents j o b s, r9k?

What do your parents do for a living?
My mom is a mentally ill schizophrenic bi polar "house wife" and my dad is a retired programmer.

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I work with my dad. We are machine operators.
I fucking hate him.
My mom is a tutoress. She is ok sometimes.

My mom does a lot of stuff but mainly accounting and data entry
My adoptive dad is a programmer, used to work for aerospace companies on government contract
No idea what my biological dad does

>No idea what my biological dad does
crackhead alcoholic

You have been spared from hell

Nah its not some one night stand shit, they both went through some agency to get a sperm donor. My adoptive dad had a vasectomy after his first two kids is why
>You have been spared from hell
Gonna have to disagree on that one

>What do your parents do for a living?
Minimum wage retail and factory work. Like their parents and their parents. And like me
Eternal working classfags report in

>Gonna have to disagree on that one
I guess we will never know how much of a fuckup your real dad is, heh

I could know right now, the guy was apparently a popular choice and has been on talk shows
And I know his first name
Fuck it I'll do a google search and report back. I'm drunk so I've got the nerve to do it for once

Imagine if your mom has a mental illness like schizophrenic and your dad works from the factory hard at work but she does nothing at home and complain 24/7 about being poor

fuck i need to move out, ahhhhhh

Fuck you Canada is not the USA

CALM DOWN NIGGER, i know you have nothing to live for but for the state, kek

I googled it
Apparently he was a computer engineer for Google, not sure if he still is

Mom is a teacher and dad builds machines that produce agro nets, pretty impressive on his end given how he only studied until grade 9.

Whereas we have trees, moose and maple syrup you have niggers, niggers and more niggers so...

just tell me who it is faggot
if its googleable

im from leafland you fucking faggot
we have pajeets and niggers too
why act like you are better than murica you lowly egotistical sucm

schizos everywhere in canada, get me out of this schizo cold shithole

my father a construction worker.
my mother a cleaning lady.
they would have been well educated and respected in their home countries. my father wanted to be an engineer and my mom a teacher. but alas the fell for the american dream meme.

>but alas the fell for the american dream meme
is it a scam in your opinion it seems? why so?

Todd Whitehurst
Don't be rude user I've not denied you any information, I just didn't think a name was particularly relevant
Anyways googling his name comes up with normal results for a name, try "todd sperm donor" for stories or whatever

My Dad is a fibrous plasterer, he casts and moulds stuff for film sets
My Mom used to be a flight attendent, but retired early to look after me and siblings. now she works part time in a grocery store

>I work with my dad.
>I fucking hate him.
why do you hate him user? I would figure it would be nice to see so much of your parents into adulthood

Father is a truck driver and mother is a desk jockey for my county. My father dropped out of college and worked in oil fields before running to truck driving. We have a good living.

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