I will be homeless next month. What are some preparations I can take?

I will be homeless next month. What are some preparations I can take?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Newspapers can keep you warm
>Move in with a relative
There was a thread a homeless user made once its in the archives

I'm sorry to hear that, OP. I can only share what I've read about and my own plan in case things get tough.

Priority 1 is a job/income. So before things get too bad, try to land something, anything to get cash coming in. Second is cutting costs, which you should have already done, but it bears mentioning again. Third for me is probably obtaining a vehicle to sleep in. There's a guy called "Bob Wells", pretty famous roadtripper, that helps run a charity for low income people to get small minivans to kit out and live in. Here's one of his videos


After that, I'd either dial 211 or go to 211.org and start looking into their services": SNAP, TANF, and Medicaid. SNAP is a great program and some friends had to be on it for a time. Don't be a hero. Sec8 can be applied for but it's years in waiting. Finally, a cheap gym membership will keep you showered and exercised to keep your mood up.

That probably will get me through the short term stuff, but the hardest part is to escape out of it. So for the long term, personally, I'm constantly researching raw land in my area to buy. Often very cheap if purchased in more remote places, it can give you a safe place to at least park and something that's truly yours. But there are lots of other good housing plans out there. Most of you have undoubtedly seen the ERE site and it's step-by-step plan, but it still bears mentioning:


But what will save the day long-term is job skills and frugality. I live pretty good these days but know what I can cut out of my budget if the time comes.

Anyway, HTH, AMA.

Same, do you want to be homeless together?

you are too casual about this. it's stupid of you to post a funny SpongeBob pic and make a silly advice thread on Any Forums about something so serious as homelessness. it's almost like you're looking forward to it. well then, go fuck yourself

Gym membership, use the showers there. Staying clean is probably the most important thing you can do, otherwise you'll face a ton of discrimination. Minimize travel expenses while you're trying to get back on your feet. Dumpster dive etc for food. It's perfectly edible and barely even a stigma around it these days.
Primary thing you need to sort out is finding a safe place to sleep, which other people and especially cops are going to make a fucking nightmare for you. Eventually you'll run out of friends if you overstay your welcome. Also, avoid drinking and hard drug addicts, or you'll get too comfortable and it's pretty much over.

Good luck OP, you're gonna need it.

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Tbh the only difference between a homeless person and a white, middle class backpacker is how other people treat them. I'm guessing OP probably is white and isn't rough or a drug addict already, so he could maybe get through this unscathed. For women it doesn't really matter, they pretty much have any couch they want unless they start stealing, fucking with people etc.

I'm not looking forward to it. What do you want me to do, kill myself? I've accepted it that's all.

t. Was homeless for a while while I was waiting on the NEET housing list as a teenager. Dread to think where I'd be now if I hadn't been given a free house. I also worked for free and applied for apprenticeships which would never have paid rent while this was going on and it's permanently tainted my perception of other people.

I also thought the same, people here larp a lot.

THe public Library is an option thy have internet access etc

get help man. you will be welcomed. my llittle tip would be to get massively drunk the night before and then seek help on the hangover or something along those lines.

Is there really nobody who could host you in their home? Do you have a car?

If you have a car, move somewhere warm with a horrible cost of housing and save up money until you ghost your employer for a job in a cheaper place (you'll be paid less but have more, I did California to Georgia) and just pay for rent upfront. Usually you can skip a credit check on an apartment like this. Gym membership for bathing is pretty solid.
You can probably find a charity housing for young struggling men if you don't have any drug problems though.

Go in woods. Exist until you die or have a spiritual awakening(ego death)

Alot whatother anons said. And dont Fall for drugs. They'll eventually just ruin your entire life and take away opportunities and chances because people look even more down on you as a drug addicted hobo

Don't be a filthy American rightoid next time.

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If you haven't already, exhaust all possible local government aid programs.

If you have a car, you can bunk out of it in the back of most Walmarts. Park near (but not right next to) camper vans if they're present.

You can use store bathrooms as long as you dont look too hobo-ey. Dunkin Donuts single bathrooms are often a quick refuge for homeless people, but try to look as clean as possible, and don't bring a backpack in with you. Carry small toiletries (toothbrush, razor, comb) in your pockets. Don't use the same place every time.

Homeless shelters in cities are a nightmare. They're a little better in smaller towns, but either way you're likely to get robbed by other shelter. Never EVER trust other homeless people. Many are on the streets for life because of brain disorders, or they're weird hippy-thief fucks.

If you don't have a car, and have the money, get a single person waterproof tent. Buy a single pair of wool socks and a fleece cap, even if the weather is warm where you are now.

Get a bag of peanuts (shelled, unsalted) and sunflower seeds. You can survive off a handful of each a day for a long time, especially if you're fat.

Visit local churches and ask to speak to head pastors if you have no other options. Even if you're not religious.

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cardboard is better
throw your "dignity" away, beggars make more than wagies but they are so fucked up in the head to manage their expenses and get out of poverty

find cheap storage to put your most most prized possions. very small and very cheap, otherwise u will lose it. earplugs and eyeshades are a lifesaver, even outside of being homeless, i use the best ones

i was homeless in various homeless shelters. you have to keep ur body and clothes clean, and keep to yourself. dont get into dope or start fights or really talk too much. you have to be respectful and nice. its really stressful. there is a real chance i might be homeless myself in the future, and ive accepted that. thats why i keep up with how my city deals with the homeless, which is really bad. they bring out large police forces to destroy homeless encampments in toronto very often, it gets dramatic with anti-homeless protestors. right now im on bux, but if and when shit hits the fan, its back to living on the streets. its why im grateful for having internet, having a roof over my head, plant based foods, my own room and privacy. we could be treated much much much worse, trust me

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I didn't think too much about it but now I'm laughing at the SpongeBob pic