Women Hate Thread

Women Hate Thread

All women are whores there are no fembots and femcels and the majority of women have sex directly right after they turn 18 or while they are still underage.

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And more facts

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Remember when you were bullied in high school? Yep, girls were soaking their pants at the idea of you being humiliated and abused by a more capable male.

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based facts.

I never got bullied though?

>girls were soaking their pants at the idea of you being humiliated and abused by a more capable male.


Good for you, most of us weren't so lucky. You probably went to a white only school.

this definitely has some credibility. ive been bullied throughout the whole elementary and nobody even said a word in attempt to stop it, even when ive been covered in bruises, had my clothes destroyed because of it etc.

then i caught one of the bullies on 1on1 and went full berserk on him. first i smashed his head against the cabinet, he curled on the floor, holding his face with blood leaking between his fingers. then i kneeled on him and pummeled his head and ribs with fists.

all those class stacies were screaming in terror, crying out loud because he was in pain etc. then they even attempted to drag me from him.

dude ended up with broken nose, bottom lip, swelled ear and two ribs fractured plus plenty of bruises.

ive got beaten by the rest of the bully group as a revenge but i was already determined to take them out one by one. so i brought a lead pipe and caught another one on the way home after the school. i swinged the pipe, aiming for his head but he covered himself with a hand so i broke his three fingers instead. of course stacies were mad.

no revenge beating now. i thought its finally over but ive got lucky and cought 3rd guy out of 4 total alone. we talked a bit but i guess he sensed up the tension within me so i rammed him with my shoulder against the wall before he managed to run away and broke his wrist.

4th guy pussied out and that's how i got rid of my bullies. we had two chads in our class. first one kinda respected me and started talking to me more often. the other chad was the first bully i beaten up. stacies still hated me. i became quite popular for the more beta/omega half of the class (probably as a hero of beta uprising) while the other half hated me.

>Women trying to find reasons to hate men
>The fact 95% of violent crime is perpetuated by men, the fact almost all pedophilia rape murder genocide terrorism and warfare is caused by men, the fact all men support pornography prostitution and other human trafficking industries, the fact most men would rape or molest a girl if they could get away with it, the fact men are 6 times more likely to leave their wife if she gets cancer than the other way around, etc etc
>Men trying to find reasons to hate women
>Uhhh....well.........they have sex with men who aren't me!!!
It's all so tiresome.

Funny thing is that I was somehow popular with everyone (Yes girls too but not romantically) before HS since I lonermaxxed hard and essentially became a shut-in during HS.

Go back to Twitter you blue haired landwhale roastie.

All they ever do is fuck me and then leave me. And getting them back round to loving you is pulling teeth. And they always expect to elope with other men and have their kids no strings while I hold their hand like a retard. I can't even have a non incest kid live they are so unforgiving. They slaughter it. And I am literally not even a backup. An ATM with a worthless mind is what I am described as. A retund. A legitimate woman said that. My girlfriend won't even fuck me on my birthday anymore because she is financially secure because she is selfish. I know that sex is an ordinary part of life but these big fat lesbos have a big issue that they want to scissor it and cockblock. Fuckin insipid, irrational cunts wouldn't know a good man if he gave her a gem,.be ause of a broken limbic endocrine system

>95% of violent crime is perpetuated by men

Base rate fallacy, only 1.64% of white males ever commit any sort of violent crime. Low IQ cuntoids can't even form a proper argument and have to rely on the most desperate form of tabloid stat abuse to scrape a post together, it's embarrassing.

>My girlfriend won't even fuck me on my birthday anymore because she is financially secure because she is selfish
>My gf

Get out normie.

it's funny how this goes all the way to elementary school, boys trying to impress girls bullying some other boy and the girls love it, humans are nothing more than animals

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>goes all the way to elementary school
It permeates every aspect of life, it's not exclusive to children

Women do everything they can. Their violence is psychological and more insidious. Their destroy the soul and not only the body, and use other men to manipulate to fight against men. Warfares were supported by women and fought for women and children, and only men suffered and were killed.

You're not less violent because you're more virtuous. You're less violent because you're weaker. You're like a virgin guy who brags about how he would never cheat because he has zero options.
>all men support pornography prostitution and other human trafficking industries
It's easy for you to not watch porn when you can have sex literally whenever you want. Unfortunately we don't have that privilege so we resort to porn. If you want us to stop watching porn then fuck us more
>most men would rape or molest a girl if they could get away with it
I know what study you're referring to and that framing is very misleading. The men in this study were asked if they'd have sex in scenarios that they didn't know were rape. I know you want to portray men as malicious orcs who want to rape and murder all the time but, believe it or not, most men who rape don't know they're raping someone
>men are 6 times more likely to leave their wife if she gets cancer than the other way around
And women don't because they're OH SO LOYAL AND LOVING right? Totally not because they're financially dependant on their partner lol. Your list of reasons to hate men read like something out of Pol lol. If you hate men for commiting more crime per capita, wouldn't it make sense to also hate black people more?

The nigger rape woman
The faggot rape kid
And other shitskin do some shit too

Manlets will seethe but this is true.

You can run your mouth about how dishonourable and vice ridden women are all you want. And you might as well be completely right.
But at the end of the day, a random man brutally killing you because of the dumbest reasons is a real possibility. Women whoring isn't even fucking close to that level of harm.
The reason you don't critic men as much simply all comes down to you expecting as much. You consider the twisted side of men normal and natural.
But not women. Because you've lived in a fucking "Mom is a perfect angle" bullshit bubble reinforced by a progressive societal drive.

>You're not less violent because you're more virtuous. You're less violent because you're weaker.
Not true. Women are less aggressive overall. If it was just because of physical weakness you'd still see women killing with firearms and other means. But it's not even close.
A young male child is more likely to be violent than an adult woman.

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I went to an all-boys school and we still bullied the weird kids, do you think the female teachers were creaming their pants when we'd make the autistic spazz?

Having sex doesn't make a woman a whore, and only petty small men would hate women for that reason.

don't compare monke to foids. monke iqmogs the average foid

you are more likely to get your life ruined by a foid divorce raping you or making a false allegation than getting killed by a man