Why do so many right-wingers like him?

Why do so many right-wingers like him?

Wait, I need to rephrase that. Why are so many *American* right-wingers leaning in favour of this guy?

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why wouldn't they be? originally speaking

No Russian ever called me a white supremisit!

I'm not american but I would like him over Biden any day:
>informal dictator i.e. real sovereignity
>orthodox christian or at least supports it culturally
>doesn't like fags
>doesn't like trannies
>has tamed the local mafias on his favor (again, sovereignity)
>doesn't export lefty mental illness like the U.S
>doesn't bow down to corona shit
>rebuilding his people's empire one country at a time

Good analysis, it's feels over reals bullshit.

>>orthodox christian or at least supports it culturally
didn't he side with azerbaijan though?

denying the holocaust in russia can get you thrown in prison.

I don't know the details, but supporting the Russian Orthodox Church and watching over CIA-supported sects like the mormons is enough for me.

putin is cool, i would like to at least visit russia but russian is too hard to learn so i never will

Because it doesn't concern us and there wouldn't be an issue if our government wasn't purposefully arming and recruiting nearby nations.
I can genuinely see it from their perspective, I wish our government would stop fucking with the rest of the world and either cut taxes with our retreat from all these foreign regions or use that money on our own land to better our nation.

Russian shills having a field day lol.

To asnwer your question its becayuse at least on the surface he represents nationalism, self reliance, strength. All the things 'right wingers' appreciate. Hios nation doesnt tolerate faggotry or degenerate progressive ideals, routinely locks or and beats left wing dissent eg: pussy riot, he's ex an KGB operative etc.

Thats because more Russians and communists were killed in camps than kikes were. The holocaust happened its just that it wasnt the jews who were the biggest or only victims of it.

Consider the follwing and you may have your answer.

Is Putin the new Hitler and RF the New Germany? Think about it

Once great powerful Empire that was defeated. Lost all its posessions and crumbled into economic and social upheval. Power gained by one man who made himself the supreme ruler(Putin). Brings country back from the brink of destruction. Rebuilds and restructures national idenitiy, economy and military. Named as Times Man of the year(as was Hitler). World watches and appeases this because they dont think they will ever get uppity enough to act on it.

Have been testing their military might and technology in foreign prpxxy wars(syria) just like the Germans did in Spain. Have now started annexing wide swathes of neighbouring countries claiming that these countries are historically theirs. World watches and appeases this but now realises they have acted too late.

Former adversaries have been lulled into a false sense of superiority and have sense decreased the size of their military strength, not invested much into developing new tech and allowed their sociities to be undermined and subverted ideals which contradict nationalism and lower the peoples morale and will to want to fight.

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He is fighting against globohom. Ukraine has less to do with land and everything to do with the UN and US. Putin is undermining globalism right before our eyes. If he takes Ukraine successfully, suddenly China takes Taiwan and so on. No one will hold faith in the UN or the US.

Russian propaganda has managed to convince a substantial number of ignorant morons in the West into thinking that Putin is some kind of defender of Christendom.

He has also managed to convince a substantial number of left-wingers that he's some kind of anti-imperalist crusader; their sheer unbridled spite towards the US blinds them.

I don't like him, I'm resisting hating him because I detect there is a strong ulterior motive to making me hate him.

In America, whenever you're told to hate someone, you should think twice about it. We love to hate, the call to hate is very powerful to us. People who want to control you understand this and will convince you to hate people if it is convenient to them.

It's not some kind of conspiracy theory, this is how every presidential election in living memory has been run; they don't get you to love their candidate, they tell you to hate the other candidate, and that wins votes. Presidents got into office on that logic.

Beware when the screen tells you to hate.

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Both sides are seemingly in agreement that we hate our own side too much to hate Putin. What's hard to understand about someone who hates what you hate (America)?

Putin and Russian
>Brought his country back from the brink and social and economic collapse
>Used capitalism to his advantage
>Retained national identity
>Didnt allow jewish degeneracy and western 'ideals' to spread
>Rebuilt the economy and military all while the west were embroiled in foreign illegal wars that drained them of men and money
>Loyal to the Orthodox Church. And while not everyone may worship Russians as a whole respect the church as an insitution
>Russian people are Russians before anything else. The Motherland is the most important thing
>Doesnt tolerate faggots, LGBT, trannies, anti-nationalist sentiment
>Former KGB agent and a patriot
>Physically a badass. Practices judo, shoots, hunts, rides horses
>Is married

He's the embodiment of everything 'right wingers' love. Its just a shame hes a manlet slav and not a Nordic/Anglo/Celtic/Gallic Catholic. He's pretty good but hes not the answer to the west's problems.

Of course it's 90% culture ear nonsense lol

He's not a Charlemagne but the bar is so low nowdays to not appreciate the only christian dictator left.

The only thing I don't really like about Putin is that he finds too much kinship in China and Muslims, Russians as a whole need to realize the Chinese are not their friends given the chance they'll subjugate and enslave them like the tatars did. Also his love for the Soviet Union is kind of cringe but he never really felt it's hardships so I can't really fault him for being nostalgic about it.

You asked why he's liked and that's the answer

I don't like Putin because he's a conservative who persecutes national socialists within his nation.
However, I hate the US foreign policy establishment more than almost anyone in the world and their retarded "with us or with the enemy" rhetoric is the most Jewish thing I've ever heard.

Russians alliance with china has always been a means to an end. In the cold war it was because they were both commies but in reality they weren't really 'allies'. It wa smore a common enemy thing. Chink communism is the same as slav communism or some shit, according to commie spergs. Its the reason why china and vietnam went to war with each other. They hate each other but its a common ideal they have.

Now days its the fact china are surpassing ythr west in terms of economic and military might that russia are siding with them.

>US foreign policy establishment
Kike* foreign policy.


Becoming enemy of the US an China at the same time would be suicide.



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>Why do so many right-wingers like him?
>Ex KGB operator
>Hates niggers, faggots, trannies
>Not reliant on the jewish banking cabal
>Strong military and security forces
>Police do their jobs and beat dissenters instead of crippling peoples rights

I understand it's a marriage of convenience so to speak but still Russia should be wary of them. I would really prefer that the US and Russia be allies but we are to deep globalhomo for that to ever happen.

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Democracy is gay and Jewish. Putin is a boss. Simple as.