Blacks are the least attractive race.If youre black its a lot easier to become an incel

Blacks are the least attractive race.If youre black its a lot easier to become an incel.

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Black men are in better position than black women when it comes to desirability that is why you see all this cope from black women.

> girl

So that is why black women shill online all day, trying in every possible way to convince white men to pay attention to them? A variety of tactics are employed in order to attempt to produce the desired result (but it always fails).

How many of these black female "incels" are obese?

pretty much all of them. black people are the fattest demographic in america

Blacks have the highest obesity rate of all races in the US, I think it's around 40%. In the US at least, if you're fat you might as well be vocel.

I checked the overlap of the black girl subreddits and FDS and virgin were a top hits

kinda sad imo

Those are usually white guys or non blacks with fetishises at least on here (Any Forums)

fds is not a black girl subreddit. stfu

I am not fat but I am very young, that is pretty much the only reason I dont consider myself a femcel

its femcel subreddit thats the point

they should just stop giving birth completely

I'm sure saying all this crap will DEFINITELY make black men desire them more...

>Blacks are the least attractive race.If youre black its a lot easier to become an incel.
i'm a 6-7 out of 10 according to most whiteoids and am 100% african. attraction is mostly subjective, either you're racist or just the worst type of coon.

All of them. Look at the founders of BLM if you don't believe me. Black women can get EXTREMELY fat due to easily fixable nutrient deficiencies.

actual femcels (and incels) are thin. if you're obese, you don't know if you're attractive underneath it. i myself am skinny

Cope seethe. That your males are more desirable than you. And Asian females outrank you, even an Asian males are above you in desirability due to Koreaboo and fujocucks

Who seething? If anything we are accepting our fates.

>darkie thinks hes attractive
cot dayum

and no shit Azn btfo's darkies, darkies are grotesque but with inflated egos from media pandering

asian men are the least desirable along with indians.

Ehh, wouldn't go that far.
Average girl would rather want to fuck an average chink than a pajeet.

dont worry darkie we aint thinking boutcha

>its DA darkies
your asian and all you do is post about muh darkies when its asian women guzziling white cum you fucking cuck. At least get at asian women and white men for stealing asian women.

>salty darkie brings up White men and Azn women