Dab delta8 oil

>dab delta8 oil
>suddenly have all the answers

is this what adderallfags feel

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whats wrong with normal weed?

i can't get 100 grams of it for $110

ah, thats a pretty good reason tbqh

How is delta 8 compared to regular old weed?
I dont think its over here yet (uk) but it would be interesting to see how it compares

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To me it's about the same, if it isn't, then you can drop the delta8 in regular weed to make it more potent.

I can't smoke weed anymore.
I'm a schizofag and it fucks my head up.
Delta8 does nothing for me.

same here brother. it's like regular weed, which i prefer by all rites, just throws me into the throes of my brain and i'm thinking about shit and writing and talking, but there's no structure

Delta-8 lowers the floodgates a bit to let the ideas and shit flow, takes care of my anxiety and relaxes my body, but retains the 'structure' and control of being sober

delta 8 is unregulated heavy metal residual solvent rancid garbage sold by vampiric subhumans who only care about money. Did you people learn nothing from Spice?

it's cbd that's been in an acid bath and distilled

Drop that smelly garbage and start taking shrooms
A single dose is enough for most people

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delta8 is fucking AWESOME for me. Regular weed is too fucking intense and weird. But I have to quit because I'm going on a trip at work and they are gonna drug test in a month because they don't want some drugged up loser like me fixing their problems I guess. FUCKERS

heres my vape

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doesn't make it safe. do you people really have so little regard for something youre putting right into your lungs bypassing digestion? just do a quick search for safety of delta 8

I used to dab delta 8 a lot. I would buy jars of distillate, I went through probably 150 grams of that stuff.
Then I quit cold turkey and it sucked. I've quit weed before and had some "withdrawals," but this was different. I actually felt really sick for a whole month.
Could barely eat, felt extremely depressed, sweating constantly, my jaw was super tense and kept locking up.
Delta 8 withdrawals are real, stay away from that garbage.

You probably didn't dab 150 grams of thc or you'd have similar withdrawal

Nope, same amount. When I first quit weed I was dabbing/vaping/smoking constantly, I did the math and I've spent over $80,000 on weed and concentrates (not including money I spent on bongs, rigs, and vaporizers.)
Delta 8 is much different. No clue why, but it gives much more severe withdrawals than delta 9.
Also delta 8 sucks anyway, at first it gets you pretty stoned but the effects diminish very fast over time, then it basically has zero effect except making you hungry.
I've heard better things about THC-O, Delta 10, THCV, HHC, and HHC-O. But I don't care to try them. These days I only dab CBD isolate.

>only 150 grams
lol pussy

>lol pussy because you stopped using gas station weed

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>all this unregulated, untested garbage about to wreak havoc when they could just legalize d9.

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edibles are the best way of consuming delta 8.

states where it's been legalized are currently begging for a bailout because nobody wants the legal stuff anymore. It's taxed like crazy and you're better off just buying it from a friend who has a connection to a grower.
$350+ an ounce in legal states, or you can buy it off the street for $100-150 if you find a good connect. AND the street stuff is usually better quality. Lots of the legal weed is cracker dry odorless trash

they did it to themselves. I just want to grow my own shit without being at risk of getting my mom's house stolen by the cops in a "civil forfeiture". Fuck the government weed