I think I'm a volcel now bros

I think I'm a volcel now bros...

I had some girl actually show interest in me and pretty much straight up invited me over for sex, she flirts with me and everything but the thing is she is promiscuous and was literally telling me about other guys she's been with and stuff and I felt so sick to my stomach I didn't even feel remotely interested, I was grossed out to my core, is this the reality of the modern dating world?

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Honestly I don't blame you, a lot of times when I meet women like that I say no too. I always assume that women like this only want to fuck me because they get off on the humiliation, like I am so disgusting she's using me for some weird self-hate kink she has. You are a good man, op, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

this is why you fuck women and leave before they try to talk

nobody likes to hear women talk

That's how my ex was. She would bring up her ex's and not shut up about it, so I'd ask her to stop because I didn't want to hear about the guys she fucked in the past and she would call me jealous and call me insecure.

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Yeah that's how women like this act. They just project everything they're feeling to the closest guy and think they an do whatever they want.

Same thing happened to me, infact every single woman I talked to has done this. Women do the most exhausting mental gymnastice ever, would be so much easier to just not say a word. It blows my mind, at least she's outting herself as a disease ridden whore for you, OP.

Should have fucking hit her

yes, that's why you should force yourself to enjoy femboys instead.

women love talking shit user. they physically cannot help themselves.

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she's just trying to shit test you by bragging. just ignore it. it doesn't mean anything

Thanks user

Holy crap that makes me feel sick, i just want a modest girl she doesnt even have to be a virgin or anything I just find promiscuity really gross and offputting, maybe I need to get off the internet and go outside more, the validation and attention is nice but I dont think I could go through with sex knowing these things and the fact that I am probably a high risk of getting some disease, gross

Damn. Send me one of those, that could be a kino closer to my stint of homelessness.

I don't think they think about relationships in the same way we do. It's just very weird. I love the woman I'm seeing right now, we're both really into each-other but just listening to her talk about previous relationships and sexual history is really jarring because it's just not something that I (as a guy) would normally bring up in conversation. I've had this be the case with several women, so it's not that she's specifically the issue, or that this is even necessarily an issue, it's just strange

>women blab about chad and hank all day
>utter a female name that isn't her's

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Honestly, don't blame you user.

>be me
>uni student
>hang out with some flatmates and go to nightclub
>meet girl my age through flatmate's friend
>seems to take an interest in me
>we go to pub and talk for a bit
>part of me thinks she seems nice part of me thinks she's probably not interested
>autistic so can't really tell
>starts telling me about guys she fucks on a regular basis
>nod along and engage in small talk about her fuck partners
>asks me for snap and eventually asks me to go to her place
>tell her I'll be back in a second
>leave pub and go to friend's house to do drugs instead

I think it's not just a woman thing, I'd be equally repulsed if some guy started telling me about all the people he's fucked as well.

kek, I think I'd do exactly the same thing and yes I agree it is not mutually exclusive to women, maybe I'm a bit of a prude I don't know, I'd find it disgusting if a guy talked to me about this too and it seems like a crude non normal conversation that I don't see why I would want to engage in it

All of you are normalfags

Nah, you did good, bro. Would be even better if you told her that her promisciousness grosses you out.

>I felt so sick to my stomach I didn't even feel remotely interested, I was grossed out to my core
this is how girls feel when most guys talk.

Same here. I've had the opportunity with so many slutty girls and single mothers but the thought absolutely disgusts me. Sucks that virgin women over 18 are basically unicorns.

it's over for volcels