30+ Thread

How are my fellow wizards doing this weekend? Picked up any overtime?

Just wondering where do you guys go on holiday when your wageslave-driver gives you some time off? I've got a week off and I wondering where to go. I've never been on holiday, ever and I've barely my left my city, let alone the country. I wonder where you can go for a week by yourself?

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I spend all my money on objects, so I never have money for travel.

I don't really travel during holidays I just play video games and do stuff I've been wanting to do but didn't have the time to.

Only a few months to go. The dread is setting in big time.

The dread of what?

Aren't you tired of videogames these days? I'm sick of them now.

I'm thinking about killing myself more often. I'm 30, I live with parents, I'm unemployed and there's a gap in my employment so my future prospects are shitty. I just feel bad for my family at this point.

Turning 30 of course

you like hiking?

>Aren't you tired of videogames these days? I'm sick of them now.
Most of the time I am but because I hardly ever play them when I'm not on vacation I'll be ready for them again when the time comes.

>you like hiking?
Never tried it. Never really thought about it actually.

>Turning 30 of course
Turning wizard?

>finishing law degree this year
>turned my life around from being a neet
>faced with two more years of studying
>decided to do a masters
>means 2023-2025 i will be working and studying all day
>no time for gf
>time running out
>want to do a PhD after my masters
>another 2 years gone
>means i will have time for a gf after 4 years, when im 34
>me beeing neet still fucks me up
>my neet past is still haunting me up to this day
>i will never finish my career
>i will never find a gf
>or i could decide to say fuck my career and life a mediocre life

>life a mediocre life
Define mediocre.

I know more money would only help me up to a point.

I was thinking of coming to the states during summer. Maybe go to E3 if that still happens or is still worth going to.

One bump and no more.

36yo in one month

I stay home, watch some movies with cola\beer.

35 yr old robot here.

Im taking a week off from my job to enjoy elden ring on the 25th of this month.
One of my coworkers asked what my plans were for next week and I told him that I was going on a trip with my "gf" kek

I work weekend nights now (Saturday through Monday) and have Tuesday through Friday off. There is a bare knuckle boxing event coming on tonight and I'm going to miss it which sucks.

>turn 23 in may
>have a stock/ETF portfolio worth a few thousand that I dump $100 into every paycheck and dump most of my tax return into, with long term dividends in mind and two or so penny stocks I think will go somewhere in a few years
>been in college for a month and am going for microbiology, either to get into medicine or something else (not that picky, just want to do something at least a little professional and higher end that wont destroy the body), so far so good
>got a credit card back in january and have been building credit, at the 700 mark now and plan on maintaining that by small purchases fully paid off within a few days
>have been maintaining an exercise/workout schedule at least 5 times a week since last july
Aside from the obvious such as get connections, pay shit on time, and going outside, any other valuable pieces of advice from the dinosaurs?

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Is there something like a career councillor but for wizards? I don't know where to go and maybe it's time someone with an outsider's perspective made that decision for me.

are you in the US and on autism bux?

get a marketable skill

learn how to not be autistic by trial and error

if you dont see dividends or anything of that sort its gambling (real estate included) its not investing

everything else is a side mission/not worth stressing
also dont let people who you think are cool (not fun, fun friends die, go to prison, get hospitalized for overdoses and look like 50 year olds in their early to mid 30s). Throw them a message, once or twice a week meet up n shit, talk about nonsense etc etc. Connections are what makes an oldfag powerful

Slavlands and employed full time.

Just sitting at home, gonna start exercising soon. I should've been working on my university project, but wasted my time replaying Postal. That's why I still don't have a bachelor's at the age of 30. At least you don't get kicked out for not studying fast enough and the tuition fee is relatively low(about 800 euro per semester).
I don't travel anywhere except for visiting my grandparents who live in another country, I have the money, but no interest.

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