I'm in a giving mood

Ask user, and you might receive.

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Wise user of the board, what must we do in order to ascend?

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Yo, can I get a perfect sense of rhythm, harmony and the voice of an angel and have it all be according to the will of god with zero dark influences so that I can effortlessly glorify God's creation with my humble labor?

Why do zoomers all have the same haircut?


Can you help me buy some new socks man and tarkov

theres nothing i really want that money could buy, but gl to everyone ig

I'd like some food, I'm hungry.


i want god to be perfectly good. perfectly benevolent. perfectly trustable. i want god to deeply care about morals and justice, and i want god not to be a evil demonic cunt

and if that is the case? well.... thats all i can ask

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>Any Forums - ROBOT9001
i feel like the meaning of this post has been misconstrued. Money. I was talking about money. If you're starving, if you're on the verge of being homeless, if you don't have any way out of the situation you're in but a random influx of cash, that's what I meant. Forgive me for the inadequate opener. This post is for user's that cannot make it through tomorrow without money. I'm sorry, I only meant to help.

what's your paypal, zelle, btc?


I think your image threw us off track. Not starving personally. There was a thread by an user who was starving earlier, I think it is still going, hopefully he will see this thread.

Give me 500$ so I can buy a guitar and amp and guitar picks. I want to learn to play an instrument, I shall play you a song once I learn it.

This isn't me:

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Dude did you seriously fucking inspect element my post? If you really need the money that bad you can have it but don't be a faggot about it.

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Why are you even trying to shit this up? Just to be a faggot about it?

As a Zoomer (18 yo) nobody has the 'zoomer' hair cut anymore at least here in Canada. Here the hair styles are all completly different except maybe longer hair is more common with guys now. Not really long hair but decently long. Honestly I don't see where the meme comes from.

What the fuck are you talking about? Your trying to take advantage of OP and claim my post as yours to get some free money when I actually need it. It bothers me I share a board with people like you.

are you the same user that was on the starving guy's thread and just screaming at him to go fuck himself? he was using the same picture as your OP, and this thread is newer than it.

You're absolutely fucking insane. You could have just asked yourself but chose to try and cockblock me when I haven't eaten for over two days now.

just go to a store and steal some, or a food bank, or something

You're fucking delusional and I hope you get the help you need.

OP, I received it. Didn't think this thread was legitimate but I genuinely appreciate you from the bottom of my heart.

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i mean, id need money to get out of my shitty situation wed be talking thousands lol. if this thread is real youre a good person user. hope the people who need it get it