Why not just settle for a domestic violence victim gf? She's had first hand experience with how alpha, Chad men act...

Why not just settle for a domestic violence victim gf? She's had first hand experience with how alpha, Chad men act, and she'll be doubly appreciative of a man like us that will be warm and kind to her.

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Don't want to get poisoned/stabbed in my sleep

You are assuming they learn their lesson. They never learn their lesson. Also a nice guy like me dries their pussy up.

>Why not just settle for a domestic violence victim gf?
because they always run back the to alpha chad who beat the shit out of them. they arent really on the market to begin with.

It's probably wrong to romanticize trauma victims but I think it would be nice to comfort a girl as she clings on to me and cry's softly into chest.

Clearly you've never been around an abused animal. You get close to them they bite you.

So used goods?
>Oh um..I don't do that..c-chad was very rough..
>Y-Yeah no sorry I'm..I'm just not comfortable with that
No, no, no and more no, and finally LMAO for suggesting this.

im a troon and I got locked into an apartment by my ex. Literally locked in 24/7 and still attached. He would punch my stomach or hold me up with his arms and then throw me. Im small and he would pick me up under my arms and it hurt a lot. he would smack me and once he started starving me for more than just a few days at a time, my dad came and helped me. The guy would also get me high and scare me and make me flinch or put his fist up to scare me. It made me very untrusting. Im scared of being cornered or people standing behind me, it makes me shake uncontrollably and my heartrate goes way up. Also yelling makes me crumple and cry. I flinch super easily. Leaving him left me in a bad place/scared of all men. I have a thing for being bullied a little now and all I needed was someone to cry on while they snuggle me. Now im better but still flinchy and scared easily. It made my social anxiety 100x worse

I tried to move on girls like that, but they don't care.
I had taken care of my aunt that was raped and her family shot in the Yugoslav civil war, she adopted a very church going attitude to boot.
Women disappoint me day to day.

Are you the tranny that got shot in the leg by their abusive ex?

>he thinks she doesn't want to get abused again

no I never got shot in my leg. The worst he did to me was make me cut myself against my will while he threatened to stab me

I would normally feel bad but then I remember you seek guys like this out and laugh in the face of decent guys. So I just have to laugh

Just one more point of suffering for trannies. Only people who are fucked in the head will ever have any romantic interest in you.

That was someone else then yeah. That sucks though I'm sorry. I also had an abusive ex but it wasn't as bad as you described. He was a drug addict and would steal money from everyone in his life and I thought I could help him. Whenever things got bad he would suddenly turn on me and call me a faggot and threaten me. It was a long time ago now, but I don't think I'll ever date a man again.

They get off on the abuse (if only subconsciously) and will jump on Chad's cock the minute he DMs her about his dumbbell he forgot

It will never be me "settling".
I have zero control because I lost the ratrace and I became a neet.

I would love any girlfriend, I really don't care how they look like or what their hobbies are as long as they smell like a girl and are nice.
I am on neetbux by my father and I don't even have a drivers license at 23, I've never had a girlfriend and never will and that's fine because I gave up on myself and started drinking alot instead.

I didnt seek it out, he made it seem like he was a great guy. He sold weed, but never did anything bad outside of that. He made it seem like he loved me a lot. He found out I had posted pics onto some discord server then he got more manipulative and controlling. He said I was just another piece of meat, a whore, etc. He also used me being trans as a reason to treat me worse because in his words "this is what women want, right" and I remember him laughing when I tried to get back up with him repeatedly pushing me back down then yelling to get up. He would rape me essentially and hold me down and even though he wasnt huge he was much stronger and used it against me. At one point, I think a couple weeks, I was tied to a bed with a dog collar and hit if I took it off. its not something I wanted or would want on someone else.

I'd hope not. Im very nice and caring. I just want to give love :(

its ok im sorry you went through that. I havent turned away all men, im just a lot more guarded about who I date and my dad is incredibly protective after he found me the last time. He wont let me date without checking everything first.

I keep getting dragged into relationships with women who were abused by Chads. I want off this fucking ride.

If you were a real girl I would feel sorry for you.

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ikr its not like I literally couldn't defend myself and was terrified

They're the worst. No, they won't be appreciative because you're either an abuser and that's why she picked you or you're a low tier beta and she picked you because she doesn't think you'd be an abuser

They'll just cheat on you if you don't beat the shit out of them. And they think your a bitch if you don't go into every social interaction looking to instigate a fight.

Such is the life of manlets lmao.