Wow, women actually believe this?

Wow, women actually believe this?

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leon seems like a funny cutie and he doesn't need women

dude did literally nothing wrong. That's like the most innocuous text I've ever seen. And they want to #metoo this guy? In what universe can you interpet that shit as sexual harrassment or whatever, the fuck?

>man has fun
>odious hole-being is confused, such emotion is alien to it
>odious hole creature turns angry because it can't experience such bliss

There's no point in trying to reason with chaotic narcissism, logic is completely null and void when it comes to them.

>Goblinmaxx failed yet again
I swear to God, I will gain access to her supply of trinkets eventually and I will put them in my large burlap sack.

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> women actually believe this?
i don't believe that.

How many FUCKING times do I have to explain this? Goblins DO NOT manufacture their own weapons, they steal anything they can get from heros they've slain and villagers they've raided, most of their weapons will be farming tools such as pitchforks and axes. A goblin guard outside of a dungeon WOULD NOT have a sword, let alone a tiny sword that would fit in his tiny goblin hands.

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fucking based grey goblin

>She messaged him first
>"Help help I'm being harassed!"
Just kill me, end it already.

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>mfw i read leons abusive messages

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YWBAW i guess because you fell for this fake article you fucking niggers

Fell for what you stupid illiterate fucking jigaboo? Do you even glace at the posts you're (you)ing you mass-replying smooth brained faggot? Post your hand you fucking mutt.

i literally said that i don't believe it.

its real you moron

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zoomers are fucking trolling themselves what the fuck is this shit

i'm going to lose my fucking mind this CAN'T be real

Is this a thinly veiled "women gettin what they fucking deserve" thread?

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>some dude pretending to be a goblin dated these 3 Stacy-looking hole creatures and probably even more
>meanwhile I'm a STEMfag making pretty good money and I'm single

Who the fuck cares dude, could you even stand being in the company of people this socially inept?
>Haha I said something harmless
>Why the fuck are you abusing ME?? REEEEEEEEE

heh, heh, glad I could help!