Is anyone here involuntarily friendless?

Is anyone here involuntarily friendless?

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what makes you incapable of friendship?

i havent had friends online or irl since like 3rd grade

If you have to ask then you really should not be on r9k.

no, I had friends and left them

involuntary friendless? on 4channel dot com? impossible

what makes you capable of friendship

Some days I feel like I'am. I have friends, but we don't talk as much as we used to. It's getting kinda lonely

We need a discord dedicated to only friendless bots.

yes, me. i want friends. it's hard to make friends with people on r9k.. i've tried. I have been thinking about starting a new discord though, like an Anime frens club or something like that.. so we can talk about anime and be nice to each other.

IRL friends? yeah. still have a couple of longtime buddies i talk to every now and then online but i dont really want to pester them with daily talk since they are all living successful lives.

If you do, make sure to post about it. I don't have friends and it would be nice to interact with other friendless anons. It's less intimidating that way.

That would be cool, is discord safe though?

I'm not too sure if I am. I've always been finicky and paranoid about letting people in.
Some people say they're my friend but I don't trust them or am too paranoid or something.
Either way I'm not really in constant contact with anyone outside my family.

Sort of? I've been trying and I have one good friend at least but and I barely have the energy to maintain that relationship. Also next to no social skills because of a life of isolation and sheltering.

i dunno what you mean by safe, i want it to be chill and friendly

okay i will post it in this thread i guess if i can get something set up


talking to people irl and online is exhausting or maybe I'm just depressed

vsRJ7GGa is the discord invite

i wrote this for the, "rules"
"Please be friendly and don't post anything illegal (or even borderline illegal)
or discuss things that cause drama, like politics, religion, etc. This is for robots
with no friends and meant to be chill and safe for people. If that sounds stupid
please leave us in peace.

we all know what's reasonable and not. think of this like a library club and act accordingly."

I hope this counts as safe. Robots are actually really cool when they're nice to each
other and I've seen a lot of threads where that works out and we all come together.
i want this to be that.

i'm bumping this.. i guess join if you want, if not i'll just give up on the idea.

testing s'ome thing ...

what're you testing?

What we all really need is a discord server without females. This way, we can all sit around and talk about guy shit and do guy things. You fucking retards want to make friends with females for some stupid fucking reason. Always remember, females aren't your friends. Men will always be your friend unless they're fucking simps and then at that point it's better just to be alone. But real, we need an all guy discord but none of that gay shit like fucking anime & no pr0nz.

Noice, alright I'll take my chances with discord.
Appreciate it :)

Sort of
I have a couple online friends that also have no friends
I can't make friends irl though every attempt at securing a friendship after becoming acquaintances the other person ends up flaking or ghosting. Even when the plans we made were their idea. It just seems like ghosting is second nature and perfectly acceptable now, and idk maybe I don't understand how friendship works these days maybe that's part of it, but if it is I don't like it nor do I want friendships with it