
I'm about to try my 10th different antidepressant. This is after a break for a couple years because nothing worked. Even went through 20 sessions of ECT.
I have very little hope, but here we go again. This time around it's a drug called Pristiq. Anyone have any luck with this?

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Other urls found in this thread:砂锅姜葱猪肝-p26

what a joke, your brain must be even more fucked now

What's your environment like?

I also take antipsychotics, but thankfully I'm on something that works even though I'm a zombie on it.

I live on my own with NEETbux. I've been hospitalized quite a few times now.

What happens that you need hospitalisation?

It varies. I had a few psychosis breaks. Sometimes it's a combination of the psychosis and suicidal ideation/planning. A few times was just the suicidal shit. I've had police bring me in a few times as well.

Do you mind me asking about the psychosis? I get that too. I don't think medication helps, and if it does, not long term. I've not read up on that specific one, but from the one's they've offered me it's been pretty grey as to why they'd even sell it as a good thing. I get that there are certain people who swear by it, but you can get those results from placebo in published studies, it's not enough to convince me anyway.

For psychosis I am on both Seroquel and Clozapine. Clozapine was a life saver for me, but you need to get regular blood work done if you're on it.

It's primarily the depression and antidepressants I have never got control of after all these years.

>Do you mind me asking about the psychosis?
What would you like to know exactly?

What your experiences are like, anything you're comfortable sharing, if you don't mind, maybe the comparison before and after the clozapine? Why do you need both? Have you been hospitalised since?

Have you not done Ketamine treatment yet? I'd go for that before another shot in the dark with antidepressants after 9 fails

I'd like to try it, but my current psychiatrist is uncomfortable with me in particular trying it due to psychosis. It might intensify it.

With clozapine a lot of my visual and auditory hallucinations dropped significantly. Not perfect, but much better. The combination of the Seroquel and Clozapine helped clear my thinking and am much less delusional about reality.
I've still been hospitalized after getting these meds, but my hospitalizations have been depression related.

What do your hallucinations consist of? Sorry I can leave you alone if you want, haha.

It's pretty stereotypical. Voices, breathing walls, moving shadows, movement in my peripherals, faces, thinking people are out to get me or stalking me. A myriad of other things.

Yeah, just wondering the details, but it's okay. Hope things get better for you.

Thanks user. You too. Originally

Pretty original for me. Oh, one last thing, I felt a bit better after eating liver, if you're open to trying things, maybe it's a nutrient thing, I haven't thought much into it yet.

Eat liver?
I got to admit, that's a new one.

Haha! Yeah, it's actually kind of gross too, but it gets a bit better once your body associates it with food. I used this recipe roughly.砂锅姜葱猪肝-p26

I'm on pristiq rn plus wellbutrin.
Didn't do shit for me. Helped my sister a lot though.
Weird to see another person here that got ECT done.
Did you do bilateral or unilateral?

I believe bilateral. Electrodes on both sides of my head.
I've been on Wellbutrin before, but is it more effective to use it with Pristiq?
I know asking if certain antidepressants work on different people really doesn't get you anywhere though. Different results for different people.