My second day of not fapping

my second day of not fapping

its tough

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how do you do it?
originally of course since i havent been able to stop cooming for the past decade

The thing I only realised recently, is even though you get hornier the longer you don't fap, you also gain willpower. If I haven't fapped in 6 days, I want to so badly but its easy to power through. If I just fapped 6 hours ago, I barely want to but I have no self control.
Dunno if you guys have had similar experiences.
Its a combination of being busy and realising how demonic fapping to porn is.

Chad faps to porn daily and lives a happy life
The idea that porn causes depression and shit like that is a meme.
And even if you want to go without porn that's fine, but not fapping at all is actually detrimental to your sexual health. Masturbation without porn is actually healthy, and without it your sex drive will flatline. Do not fall for the nofap cult.

well idk about you, but I honestly realized, after much struggling, that I didn't actually want to do it. I do it because its part of my routine and it feels good, but while doing it I realized that I didn't even like any of the girls in the video and I actually wanted to be doing other things. so I just stopped. it was a mental addiction more than anything. I just had to be honest and realize I really didn't want to do it anymore.

it affects everyone differently
you're just being defensive

>Chad faps to porn daily and lives a happy life
What if I also told you that normies can take heroin and not want to try it again, whereas for a damaged person, this is the first time they haven't felt like shit their entire life and they can't stop using until it kills them.

not saying that porn is good, but saying it will fix everything if you quite is an excessive shallowing of the problem

Lol I don't feel a single thing bellow that I used to be an autist that was angry at everything then found porn now people say that I am generally a nice person.

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not being controlled by your biological imperative is the point
>I get angry without porn, therefore its a good thing
bruh what

Yes I was actually a very violent person people didn't like being around what else do you want me to do.

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work on your anger issues
you're probably a spoiled manchild, no offense

Yuo umies dont understandz.

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from what? jacking off?
from what? jacking off?
Why? You a jew worshiping fuckhead?
Where? who? what?
whats that gotta do with jacking off
The fucking whore wasnt good enough and probably was getting fat and wasnt putting out. What the fuck do you want to blame the porn for instead of the female. Typical.
>lost opportunities
wtf does that mean? when where? Lost opportunities at night when I jack off or on my day off? Am i goinng to get a high paying job?
from what?
>social anxiety
how the fuck does jacking off cause social anxiety?

damage control
sort your life out

Be gone satanist

answer the questions faggot.
jew worshiping faggot. satan is fake and gay to get you to obey a jew.

literally demon possessed

everyone is demon possessed including you!

Stop being angry at God, he wants you to be happy if you'd only get out of your own way

Well your god is yahweh who hates gentiles and prefers jews and kills thousands of gentiles and first born gentile children to protect his jewish pieces of shit. Nah ill hate yahweh and your rabbi forever.

God is the uncreated thing that all of creation stems from. Jews worship money and themselves.

Jews worship Yahweh your god whom you worship. Your jewish religion stems directly from jews without jews it wouldnt even exist. So I dont understand your cope here faggot.

Jews worship themselves, they believe that they created their own God.
>source: the kabbalah
>Your jewish religion stems directly from jews without jews it wouldnt even exist
Without satan you'd never see where rejecting God gets you

Wrong, more bullshit. Kabbalah is a subset and isnt mainline thinking. You fucking dipshit. They worship a jewish god IE yahweh your god. JEsus was called rabbi no indo-european calls there people fucking rabbi. Get fucked you worship a jew. You need jews it is interconnected all over the place and its source is jewish. I dont give a fuck what your gay cope is it is what it is. NO ONE on earth thinks otherwise outside of cringe shit like BI/CI garbage that in and of itself is extremely zionist and anti-white.

God isn't anti white, he created you to be white.

he is anti-white specifically the jewish one.