I'm going to church group tonight

I'm going to church group tonight.

Why aren't you spending time with other human beans?

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>Why aren't you spending time with other human beans?
I don't have social hobbies, I live in the middle of nowhere, I don't have friends, and I don't attend church.

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because i don't fuckin want to?

can we stop making "why are you" why don't you" dumbass template threads that serve no fucking purpose at all?

I honestly wish I had a good church to go to that was nearby, lucky you. Anyways I would spend time with others or at least make an attempt to but I'm afraid I'd just be bothering them, have fun with your church group brother and may God be with you.

>Why aren't you spending time with other human beans?
Because I did it before and learned I do not enjoy it nor do I like the vast majority of them

I go for community. Theological stuff is beyond secondary.

I'm in a similar boat user. I've struggled with community for a long time, worrying about whether or not I'm bothering them. I don't have any expectations with this group, I just know I have a need right now that involves being around other people. I chose church because of the low bar to entry, and when I arrived I was welcomed into the group in a way I've never experienced before. It's a hard thing to put yourself out there, but I promise you, there are people ready to accept you.

>I do not enjoy it nor do I like the vast majority of them
I feel similarly. I have a weird, probably autistic view of people, and put them immediately into buckets of "real" and "not real"

The "not real" people essentially being real life NPC's. Can I be mad at a taperecorder for not being real? No.
But in the off-chance I meet someone real it makes it all worth it.

I do the exact same thing but it seems like most real people wind up with autism and anxiety due to the NPCs

>It's a hard thing to put yourself out there, but I promise you, there are people ready to accept you.
Suppose you got a point there yeah, God be with you brother.

Maybe. I've also devised a sort of litmus test for "real" or "not real" people.

It seems like "real" people have a sense of humor. Being able to make jokes or make people laugh involves a lot more function than reading off an npc script. Humor requires understanding of many facets in order to make a joke that's fitting.

NPCs can make jokes, but they're more formulaic in their presentation, like watching a comedy special from the 1970s.

A lot of people out there exist as non-npcs, and don't have the wherewithal to see through the veil of what the world is. So they exist as real people, trying their hardest to interact with npcs and getting nothing in return. They don't have to be autistic to do so.

Your angry because deep down you crave social interaction. But you can't have it because you are too awkward/ugly. Have sex incel.

I enjoy time spent by myself more. I used to have friends and somewhat of a social life but one day I just decided I didn't want those things anymore and gave it up. I probably shot myself in the foot in terms of connections and opportunities but I think I am overall happier for having done so.

OP here, and based. I was in your shoes for a long, long time (10+ years) and was perfectly content with existing with just myself. I was happy until I was not. I'm not saying you're unhappy or you're missing things, but just be aware of what you're going through and understand what your subconscious needs. Something switched in my head and I needed social connection. It's something I never craved before, yet here I am.
I'm glad you're doing well, desu. Everyone's needs are different. But just be open to change if your feelings shift. Because I wasn't and it sent me down a weird path that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

I dead ass heard this liberal bitch in my class say
>> You know the straight pride flag
(then in nigspeak, despite her being white and never speaking in ebonics ever.)
>>why da fuck does it look like the Sephora logo, you know what i mean?
>>no response

>But you can't have it because you are too awkward/ugly. Have sex incel.
Don't discourage user, desu. Everyone is on their own path. There are plenty of justifiable reasons to hold dissent toward the world. A person's entire life could be nothing but anger towards the world and it would be well within their right to hold these feelings.
I try to hold a more understanding approach. I've went through my deal of struggles and had to experience pain and loss in ways that I would not wish on my fiercest enemy.
The world is an overwhelming and difficult place to navigate.
Many people get lost in this negativity, rightfully so.
My approach as of late has been to disconnect from the parts that I can't change myself. I strive to improve the parts I can.

Regardless, at the end of the day, the only thing I have power over is my mind.

I have been living this way for roughly ten or so years myself at this point. I managed to find a happy middle ground in online friends. People I can speak to and joke around with on my terms without having to give up my physical solitude to do so.

I don't doubt that things can easily change though. I decided to live like this on a whim so it stands to reason that I just might stop as easily too. I don't image it will be easy as I get older though. Friendships are notoriously hard to make the older you get, or so I have heard.

Every single time I've tried it's been onesided on my part. I always end up on the peripheral while the group does their thing. And no, I'm not fat, and I shower regularly. I gave up three years ago

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>zealots and cattle
>human beings

I've never been diagnosed with autism, and I'm not even sure I'm on the spectrum. But based on how hard its been in my life to make friends I'd imagine I'm somewhere on there.

I feel I got lucky with the church I decided to go with. They prioritized community over everything else and that's what compelled me to go. I always struggled with talking to new people or holding conversations, but the very first day I was there I was, with lack of a more positive term, overwhelmed by positivity and acceptance.
These people wanted to talk to me. They wanted to know me. Help me. And I wanted to do to the same reciprocity.
They seem to want to help build people to their strengths, they want them to succeed in life, in whatever way you determine what success is.

People are out there frend, and they will love and care for you in ways you couldn't even imagine.

That's good, desu. There is no one correct path in life. There are no "supposed" to in life. There exists only "life"
I don't know it all, I only seek to live a happy and fulfilling life, and all I know is that there are plenty of paths to take you there. If you've found one that works for you, I don't know how to say this without sounding like a backhanded compliment or some slight, but I'm genuinely happy for you, desu.

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religion isn't the important part, user. Community is. Real, in person, community

I respect your optimism, but I spent 8 years in private "Catholic" institutions without making a single friend and was treated like a subhuman the entire time, so I'm rather skeptical. Even in bible study groups and nerd shit clubs like the anime club I felt unwanted and ostracized. I think you got extremely lucky finding your church and I'm happy for you, but please don't take it for granted, your situation is not typical.

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