/16pf/ - 16 Personality Factor General

Let's fight back against MBTI spam! Share your result on the 16PF (Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire) which describes your personality with 16 sliding scales.



>What is the 16PF?
The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) is a self-report personality test developed over several decades of empirical research by Raymond B. Cattell, Maurice Tatsuoka and Herbert Eber. At the primary level, the 16PF measures 16 primary trait constructs, with a version of the Big Five secondary traits at the secondary level.

>What's wrong with MBTI?
The MBTI is widely considered in the the study of psychology to be useless and unscientific. The categories are arbitrary, and there is strong evidence that re-taking the test multiple times yields different results, even when separated by only weeks or days. There are also made-up hard boundaries between the types, for example you can flip between a S and T by just moving from 49% to 51% on one of the scales. To make it worse, it's very easy to fake responses or lie to get desirable results.

>What makes 16PF a better instrument than the MBTI?
16PF, unlike MBTI, is has strong scientific evidence backing its effectiveness. The validity of the factor structure of the 16PF Questionnaire (the 16 primary factors and 5 global factors) has been supported by more than 60 published studies. Additionally, because the relationship between the test items and the traits measured by the 16PF instrument is not obvious, it is difficult for the test-taker to deliberately tailor responses to achieve a desired outcome. In a nutshell, it achieves accurate results by measuring the taker's self-image/ego, rather than relying on them to answer questions about their behavior accurately.

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Here is an example result. The result can be compared to image in the OP to identify correlation with the Big 5 personality traits.

Attached: Results.png (552x1801, 337.63K)

Note also that each result is out of 4 on a sliding scale (0-4). This allows more subtlety and accuracy than the MBTI.

Who here /knockoffpatrickbateman/

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So I'm just worthless...

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>Warmth: 0.9(/4)
>Dominance: 3.7(/4)
>Rule-consciousness: 0.6(/4)

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Here we go, the first of the Rule Abiding 0s and Dominance 4s/.

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>Warmth is how nice to people you are. Low scorers are impersonal, distant, cool, reserved, detached, formal and aloof. High scorers are outgoing, attentive to others, kindly, easy-going, participating and like people.
How do you even get 0.1 on the Warmth scale?

>Perfectionism is how high you standards are for yourself.
If they can't spell how am I supposed to trust their test?

The website (openpsychometrics.org) didn't invent the test, it's just an open source site that uses the 16PF instrument methodology.

I don't particularly like people...

This test doesn't really provide much value to me, but I did so anyway. I think I would rank higher than others in absolute terms for some of these categories, but I'm penalised relatively due to the nature of the quiz and how it goes about asking those questions.

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It's probably more accurate than your MBTI results user. If a real psychologist was testing you, they would also have access to scalescalled Impression Management (IM), Acquiescence (ACQ), and Infrequency (INF), which tests your honesty, decisiveness, and tendency to pick the most socially-acceptable answers, which would reveal a bigger picture. This is all you get for taking the test online however.

Only one you can ever rely on is yourself user. That being said I am friendly and jovial if I am in the mood, and am not a complete sperg anymore at least. We came into the world alone and we will die alone, so why not try and make things go your way for once now and again? If you were on the other end and getting shat on by life would anyone so much as look your way? If not, then why not try to be the one on top?

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Well, it said I was apprehensive and tense, and the test pissed me off.

This quiz doesn't ask you to prioritise functions, which I think is far more insightful. It does so by score, which is an indirect means of asking. I know that for my results I would rank them in a different order.

idk what this shit even means
am i based?

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INFP scum

The biggest personality indicator in this screenshot is everything except the test itself.

INFJ here

does this make me a normie?

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>they would also have access to scalescalled Impression Management (IM), Acquiescence (ACQ), and Infrequency (INF)
I just picked up again on what you said. Interesting stuff. I try to answer things as honestly as possible.

I'm guessing this means I'm bland.

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>does this make me a normie?
>Social boldness: 1
>Privateness: 3.6
>Self-relience: 3.2
You are solitary, you have a tendency to deal with emotions on your own, you are sensitive to criticism, socially discreet (diplomatic/formal) when dealing with others, but you tend kindly to others. You're not a normie, I'd say it's more likely you are a high-functioning schizoid/autist with empathetic traits who is able to act the part when required to, but only really lives while alone.

I think you're reading too much into a quiz that asks very elementary questions. Especially when you say high-functioning schizoid/autist.

thanks for showing me this test op
i always thought the mbti was just ass-trology for redditors, but this is cool and interesting

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