Are you IMPROOOOVING, robot?

Are you IMPROOOOVING, robot?
Are you working out? Studying hard? Climbing the ladder? Starting a business?
Need any advice?

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None of this means anything if you're not already attractive.

To a woman, sure, since men care primarily about looks. But women care primarily about status (aka money in a capitalist society), and status can be obtained through hard work.

>quite drinking

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>all people care about is sex and money
Colour me surprised.

>Are you IMPROOOOVING, robot?
i guess
>Are you working out?
>Studying hard?
>Climbing the ladder?
i don't know
>Need any advice?
i can't think of any

you got this, robot! I believe.

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>have achieved millionaire status off of $2k and time, and not a crypto bitch "millionaire" either
>all other areas in life have horrifically stagnated to the point I don't really leave my room except for doctor visits
Winning the game...

>But women care primarily about status (aka money in a capitalist society), and status can be obtained through hard work.
read death of a salesman

>life is about getting pussy
Sad cope. Being able to run 10km in under an 40 minutes is the best feeling in the world. Being physically and mentally fit is so much better than sex.

>learning new language
Unless this language is English, why?
>read 50 books
How is that "improving"? No different than just watching some shitty movie
>get stronger
Yes, this one is good
>quit drinking and smoking
Yes, this one is good also

self improoving for me is just like polishing a turd. i dont see the point

Retard, your brain is like a muscle. Just like a dog gets depressed and bored if he isn't intellectually stimulated you will too.

Currently learning French, 20% fluency for my partner who's french :)

I try to read one book a month. Even if its nothing informative or thought provoking, I try to read stuff online more than anything though.

Never drank, never smoked, never enjoyed drugs of any kind

Working out at the gym for an 1 1/2 hours 5 days a week

Not a lifter as I'm only like 120 pounds, but I can run 4km in 22 currently

Apart from that I'm doing an internship for gunsmithing, school for cybersecurity. And working my normal job. It's lots of time taken and I don't have a lot of freetime in the week.

How's my improooooving?

>Are you IMPROOOOVING, robot?
No I'm fucking not
>Are you working out? Studying hard?
no and no
>Climbing the ladder? Starting a business?
as above
>Need any advice?
I guess?

>Need any advice?
Yes. Is it possible to succeed without going to college or starting a business? Alcohol addiction ruined my brain and at best I can only do manual labor. I'm 25 and still living with my parents. What do I do?

>he doesn't improve for himself
Imagine being this pathetic

hell no nigga, im decaying

>Is it possible to succeed without going to college or starting a business?
Possible, sure. Not recommended, though.
But you can still live a decent life through manual labor.

>have achieved millionaire status off of $2k and time, and not a crypto bitch "millionaire" either
Give us your Twitch url so we can donate.

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>memorizing words and reading is brain exercise
Yea, if you're a retard. Bet you read out aloud also, lmao

Nah. Investing and trading.
I just have a scarily good knack for pattern recognition and being present when unusual but lucrative shit goes down.