I've never weighed myself but i didn't realize how out of control my obesity until I fasted

I've never weighed myself but i didn't realize how out of control my obesity until I fasted,
28 days without food with seemingly no ill effects.

Attached: the luther.png (316x273, 158.99K)

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did you get blood tests over the course of it?

i aint got insurance for that

>28 days without food with seemingly no ill effects
I do not belive this atall
One small meal per day is doable
But no food? Even with apetite supressants thats a near impossible task

Attached: LARP.jpg (500x755, 77.7K)

>But no food? Even with apetite supressants thats a near impossible task
Angus Barbieri fasted for 382 days.

Attached: Angus_Barbieri.jpg (309x163, 11.42K)

For those curious, this is a good video to watch that goes over the basic theory behind fasting.




You are completely full of shit. Three days of no food and even a fat man's insides would start throwing a fit.

I believe that it's possible to go that long and live, but with no negative effects? No chance.

>not knowing what theory means.
I'm advocating fasting, midwit. It's good. It works.

hmmm resource says its an idea that is suggested or presented as possibly true but that is not known or proven to be true

No wonder you are not hungry, you are full of shit.

Watch more than one minute of it.

What makes you think it's absolutely out of scope of the human body to utilize the energy it purposely stored for this exact situation?

Assuming ample water , vitamins (in form of multivitamin), and salts, fasting is absolutely 100% possible to go for weeks depending how fat you are

t. Fatass who keeps trying but caves into temptation

I'm not watching any of it dumbass

You would get brain damage dude.
I once went 6 days and I swore I was getting near the grave.

I don't think so. I've done multiple day fasts before and you end up losing your appetite by the middle/end of the second day

You are a fat faggot with no will. This post has made me furious for some reason I wish I could hurt you.

Very much this. The primary reason the body stores fat is for times when food is not available.

If you don't eat, your body taps into its stored fats to burn for fuel. Your insides don't "throw a fit." That doesn't mean anything. We are meant to store fat when there's excess and burn fat when there's a famine. I still can't believe it's so hard for people to believe or understand that we're able to go weeks (and more) without food.


>able means optimal or preferred

>thinks fasting means literally never eating ever again

Why do these posts all sound like they were made by the same person? I've fasted for 13 days and could have easily gone longer. Many people do 7 day fasts every year for religious reasons. Jesus fasted for 40 days. An obese person could easily go 28.

weight before and after?