How's your valentine's day going guys

how's your valentine's day going guys

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I have mostly just been drinking, shitposting, and playing video games. I'll probably read until I go to sleep.

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>how's your valentine's day going guys
I'm going to kill myself

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Ill bite user, how the fuck do you spend 4 hours in a fucking mobile game?

logged back into coc after 6 months
game gives me a massive boost on my village: army trains 4x faster for 24h, massive resources
i just attack a village every hour or so while i line up upgrade after upgrade, maxxed my TH10 yesterday, just doing king and queen now
>tldr: i talk to no one at school and now i have something to do instead of pace around, farmed 200k dark elixir in the past 24h (a lot)

Going great so far

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>Adult male
>Playing Nintendo games

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Maybe next year, that's all I'm going to say.

Those are not the legs or the hands of a male user

I dont care. Its just another day and I barely realized it was valentines day. All I thought was "oh its valentines day" and went on with my day as normal.

Can I get a better shot of the rest of the room? Looks like you're living in overgrown ruins or some shit
You have clearly never seen zoomers before.

It's my girl dude.
Nah, her place is a shithole, she'll be moving with me soon enough

can a femanon (female) please say "happy Valentine's Day! Let's all be alone together, user." in a vocaroo

what will you be reading?

I heard it was valentines 15 hours ago. Maybe 15 min later I completely forgot. So an average day, pretty good.

>my girl
Why is she so small? Just starving due to poverty or what? Clearly in need of major architecture.

Her parents are hoarders and, yeah, they pretty much live in poverty

it's fine, i actually forgot it was valentine's day

Broke up w the gf. Fk her.

>has iPhone
>uses Chrome instead of Safari
Are you retarded?

I Sing the Body Electric! by Ray Bradbury. I only read sci-fi novels.

>Went to class
>Jerked off
>Played some Vidya
>Drew some stuff
>Talked to some bros
Watched some youtube videos
>Gonna do some homework later
Just generally trying to pass the time so the day can be over sooner

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