What age did you realize you were alt right?

What age did you realize you were alt right?

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>defining yourself by political movements instead of having your own opinion about each issue

Big cringe

I do sport an undercut, but I think the alt right are a bunch of faggots. Furthermore, anyone who gets too involved in politics is a clown.

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lol I kinda went the other way on that one ngl

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About 16-24, before "alt-right" was even a thing. And then about 25 and onward, I drifted further left.

>Tfw I never had an alt right phase
Did I waste my teenage years, bros?

>defining yourself by political movements instead of having your own opinion about each issue
th-that is having your own opinions about each issue, user.

It's an outdated term that no one uses anymore. You should update your database. You're still stuck in the 2010's

>What age did you realize you were a CIA pysop

Do you kike really think anyone fell for this?

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alt right is cringe, be a neoreactionary

Yeah because every person in every political movement definitely agrees with each position it has in every issue. Fucking retards

Yyou will never be a woman you fucking leftist freaks

If you aren't overtly antisemitic at this point you're just a grifting coward

I was a full blown nazi before the alt right even existed

this is you btw

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I think that's the natural progression

Well, you didn't spend them blaming all your problems on women, minorities, and gay people, so probably not

based egoist

There's definitely still a far right, but the alt-right killed itself when literally all of its e-celebs imploded

when i was 14-16 but then i grew up.

im just racist but i dont want to be associated with the alt right really. too many weirdos. i am also weird though. an odd state of affairs!

i don't like sexism or homophobia and shiet though

lol how is neoreactionary any better? Nick Land is a really interesting thinker, but Curtis Yarvin is one of the cringiest pseuds I've ever seen in my life

post face-tattoos

good thinking, it's basically just a bunch of grifters wanting to play celebrity online

the alt right was just racist liberalism that turned into dugunism and made all the racist liberals mad
dugin is still a retard though

>implying 100% of people are pic related
I guarantee it's under 100%

God no, lol. The natural progression is left-wing youth, and drifting farther right as you age. It's not coincidence that many on the right are not only older folk, but were more left-leaning in their younger days.

>Yeah because every person in every political movement definitely agrees with each position it has in every issue.
actually, yeah. that makes up the majority of people (for better or worse).

>leftists challenge status quo
>status quo is maintained by the tribe
>wtf im a nazi now

>good thinking, it's basically just a bunch of grifters wanting to play celebrity online
yes that's really all they can do though to be fair. who votes for alt righters? very few. so it is an internet ideology

>implying 100% of people are pic related
They are, lol. Everyone thinks they're more of an individual than the reality of the matter.

My point is it's not organic, it's groupthink shit, sad
>inbr4 group think is organic
You get the point

>say that they are the trannies


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I disagree with you though, which mean not everyone has the same level of self awareness. By your own definition your are more unique than me, which invalidates your point.

Neoreaction is what happens when you're too smart too be a standard right-wing drone but you're also too much of a coward to name the Jew.


everyone is an automaton NPC. the only way to become more conscious is to not be identified with any sense of self. even the person who walks another path is just a literal actor in life playing a role and he knows it. anyone who has transcended their humanity and the physical limitations of the body are the ones who can be called different.
everyone i've met is a literal architype. i swear theres only like 15 different personalities or less out there.

no one, not even you, said *anything* about organicism. and i'm still puzzled at how you drew that connection.

>it's groupthink shit
which is one of the humanity's oldest, most basic functions. it's as endemic to people as taking a shit.