If you dont respect general Nikolas Cruz then you are a faggot...

If you dont respect general Nikolas Cruz then you are a faggot, nigger and should be killed! Fuck valentines hail Cruzentines!
We celebrate Cruzentine here! The holiday is meant to dignify the glorious deed of our hERo!
Message to all lurking normies! Be beware because during the time of your fake festical we celebrate the true victories of our great soldiers who put their whole heart into their last mission!

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What a guy

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Your post glows so bright.

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I've never seen this man in my life, officer?

I cant be FBI?CIA officer because im from slavland, I genuinely worship him because he made this bitter day more bearable
hope he goes ER too lol

The only thing that little faggot did was make the world a much more dangerous place for anyone even slightly weird. In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, the FBI was encouraging normies to report anyone they suspect might be a "potential mass shooter" and interrogating literally everyone that got reported. It's kind of like the aftermath of columbine, except this wasn't confined to just high school kids, this included adults with careers whose only crime was being a little strange. I know of several careers that still haven't fully recovered. Basically all that clown did was fuck over vulnerable people and provide very good justification for normies to drop the hammer on us. Fuck him, I hope he rots in hell!

Fuck nick cruz, hope he burns in hell after he breathes his last pathetic breath

>I cant be FBI?CIA officer because im from slavland
oh well then we totally believe you

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There's actually an incel from eastern europe that has been serially edgeposting a lot recently. He's stupid enough to think that you can make legal problems due to posting threats on the internet go away just by saying "lol it's jut a joke bro" to the cops and he has some delusion that the fact he's not married is why he can't find a job lmao.

ur post comes from a based place but cruz is gay, eric, dylan, ER, and seung r better

maby you are right but I didnt make huge research regarding Nikolas Cruz honestly, the thing that is appealing to me the most is that he carried out his mission on valentines day so incel can celebrate something that bring some solace to them.
I can say something in my native language so maby then you will believe me user
why do you think he should be punished so severely? Are you and 30 yo roastie by any chance or fat tranny?
I dont live in america so I dont care im just happy that he schooted up his shool on valentines
police in eastern europe doesnt care about incels and I doubt that american glowies would fatigue to come here, they have better things to do in america and other countries than some slavic shithole

>He killed people
I give him my full respect whatta hero

Holy fuck he's back. Tell us again about the time your hyper-successful lawyer uncles got you out of jail for being a faggot, please?

>why do you think he should be punished so severely?
he literally shot up a school faggot. He should be tarred and feathered.

Oh so you are moralfag? I get it! You were bullied your whole time by society and you still oppose mass schootings?! What a pathtic faggot cuck you are!!!!! HE killed those disgusting normies and thats why praise should be upon him! Fuck NT normies and I hope they all die for what the did to my incel brothers!
absolutely based!
shut the fuck up tranny im not a faggot unlike you you dumb normie cunt!!!

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No please enlighten me. I need to know how to escape a 1st degree faggotry charge.

Haha based
Don't let the roasties tear you down. Death to them all.

OK so you need to have an uncle that molested you for this. Really, any family member works since the molestation part is important, but it's usually an uncle. So what you do is you have your uncle talk to the judge in the case, offering your "services" in return for having the case dismissed. Then your uncle will have you shave your body, dress you up in girly lingerie, and play cave explorer with your ass just like when you were a kid to properly loosen it up. Then you get presented to the judge and he does whatever he wants to your faggot sissy body. In my faggot shithole it's called "get off to be let off".

Fuck you dumb normie cunt son of the whore, you are probably not even an incel rather some disgusting roastie in her mid 30s who came here to laugh at misery of incels! You will be destroyed! Your whole NT world order will be shattered an destroyed by hordes of incel prophets with mission! Unlike you we have iron will and we will take over one day you faggot, by then you will be our serf as there is your place!
Fuck man those roasties are so fucking annoying! They always come here undercover and try to throw me off balance in my threads!

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Oh no, you might finally work up the courage to leave your bedroom. I'm in absolute terror right now!

shut the fuck up you roastie! You think you are funny? So wait when I will be pissing on the graves of your kind when laughing you hiv infested cunt!
Terror will come to you only because of your action and misbehaviour towards the incel kind

I think you just need to embrace your femininity:

What did they do? They were innocent. I despise people who bully others but the did nothing wrong.

why are you preaching tranny agenda in this thread?! Now I get it you are a fucking disgusting kike who wants that incels will work for you mr schlomo! Not this time you big nosed faggot! Get the fuck out to oven you rat! Im spitting on your tranny propaganda!

So I take it the "get off to be let off" defense worked? You want to be arrested so you can do it again, don't you?

He was apparently bullied and outcasted by normies from his school when he was attending there, it easy to understand that he hated that prison which is called school and wanted revenge, mabe he carried out it too late but as they say better late than never!
Also no non incels are innocent, if they are normies they probably bullied some autistic incel in their life or if they hadnt a chance they deeply want to treat short autists like shit! From my experiences I can tell that all normies are despicable vapid cunts who dont deserve to live at all!

you will be arrested by incel kommando first you insufferable jewish cunt!

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OK whatever, tell me when you graduate high school.