Femanons, assuming the same looks/personality, would you rather date a lawyer making 100k or a programmer making 300k...

Femanons, assuming the same looks/personality, would you rather date a lawyer making 100k or a programmer making 300k? Why?

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Hey, why the fuck do you keep making this thread?

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Femanons would rather date neither, those are candidates for marriage and then cheating on them with chad (whom they would rather date than either of those betabuxxers) and then taking half of their shit

Gee it's a fucking mystery isn't it?
Ok incel

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You asked for a femanon's opinion and you got one :)
>inb4 no females can't into logical thinking DX
>inb4 this but unironically durr

So you talk about yourself in the third person? Or were you the femanon that gave the non-answer

>ask a question to all women
>doesn't accept the answer applicable to all women
>furthermore calls it a non-answer
I guess it's cope at this point
Bye felicia

Has it ever occured to you at any point, that two women may have different preferences? Perhaps, dare I suggest, that one woman may prefer the lawyer over the programmer, and another may prefer the programmer over the lawyer?

Or for fucks' sake, you're actually delusional enough to think a femanon will give you attention here? I don't understand your type of mental illness

Source ?
Looks quite nice

You reek of male incel, I don't care about your opinion
Why do you think I'm posting this question more than once brainlet

a programmer because i think he would have more time to spend with me, and his skills would be more useful (we could make a videogame together)

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Fair enough, the only two to prefer programmer so far said for the same reason (more time together). Interesting

lawyers are also dishonest backstabbing jew sons of bitches who can't be trusted, as far as i've heard.

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What kind of job do you do?

i kill fish and maintain machinery used to kill fish
also work at a smaller bait shop for recreational methods of killing fish

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>assuming the same looks/personality
can you read, dumbass?

that was a joke user. not even a very good one, but definitely an obvious one. you're better than this.

>tfw no fish-killing gf

if this isn't a shitpost, try getting work on fishing charters. ive only worked on one ship my whole life, so i dont know how common women are in the biz, but thinking about it, having a partner at sea would be a serious luxury. everyone would probably be annoyed if you rubbed it in their faces though

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How did you get in this kind of work?

family business. my uncle's, at least, but we still live together.
it's not a super complex job though, i've seen people hired with zero prior experience. it pays well, and you can learn as you go, all it really takes is mental and physical fortitude. some people lose their mind on the water, and if you're weak you'll get sick all the time. hell, most people get colds on the ship, the point is if you have balls you keep working. if you don't, you get docked pay, if that happens enough people start to resent you and you lose the job.

if you can handle loneliness, little privacy, being cold and wet, and get over the smell of iron and oil and blood, it's a good job. you get big stretches working, then big stretches where you dont have to do shit; they pay you for your time 24/7 since you sleep on the ship, so you get more hours per workday even when you dont work.

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Interesting. Are you posting from the ship?