How would you describe depression to someone who's never had it?

How would you describe depression to someone who's never had it?
serious replies

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Literally like being depressed by a giant weight. Also imagine when you feel physical pain how aside from the actual pain spot your brain can kind of hurt, that part with the brain by itself and sometimes worse.

Imagine air being about as viscous as syrup. Would you want to do anything, or just stay in bed?

It's like a flaccid penis.

For me its like a neverending feeling of meaninglesness. Like i dont see a point in anything. Thats why i work at a pathetic dead end job even tho i have a college degree, and spend all my time just consuming shit online.
Sometimes i get soo deep into it that i lose grasp of reality. Its like having a memory or feeling, and i dont remember if it actually happened to me or it was just in a movie or game or maybe i dreamt it. Its like slowly forgetting who you are. If we lived in the future i would be the mf who is 24/7 connected to some vr computer like in the matrix.

You know those days when you have some work to do and you just can't get started? Imagine that all the time for everything, every moment of the day.

It's like being stuck in an emotional loop and you can't get back to baseline. You can try but things are just distractions when you are in that state. It's a hard thought pattern to disrupt and change. I am not depressed or suicidal right now but I have been. It's so crushing at times I felt like it was hard to even breathe. I was so sad everything was just so heavy and pointless. I felt no love or positive emotions at things that normally cheered me up. I felt like all constructive solutions were futile. Self neglect is big too because you are just in mental anguish you aren't grounded. It's just really hard to break free out of. But I do think it is temporary and not chemical

Like everybody has a fire inside that drives them, like gasoline to an engine.
People fuel it with family, others money and some with hobbies.
Your fire though, it waivers and weakens by the day.
No matter what you do, what you try the flame continues to flicker and extinguish as you watch others steadily go or even shine brightly.
Eventually you develop learned helplessness and spend your days wondering when you'll finally snuff that flame out, others be damned.

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Not your monkey. Fuck off.

You're all porn addicts. Drop the porn and you can begin to feel normal and be adults. I guarantee if you were under surveillance, a massive porn addiction would be discovered

feels like there is absolutely nothing that you want to do or that is worth doing, not even killing yourself seems like it would bring any relief, even if you were given god powers it wouldn't matter. but it's very different from merely realizing these things intellectually, you actually feel them and can't switch them off.

It's like being suffocated by a miasma of apathy, mental exhaustion and malaise.
It's like you're in a swimming race and while everyone else you know has finished you've barely even started and you're already struggling to keep your head above the water.
It's like a constant gas leak that ignites spontaneously at any second.
It's like tinnitus in the sense that eventually you learn to live with the ringing but it never really goes away, and sometimes its more noticeable than others.
It's like writing all your past hopes and desires with a pen that has vanishing ink.
Those are just some ways that I could think off the top of my head

It's like treading water with a weighted vest. Success is swimming where you wanna go, but it takes an ungodly amount of effort just to keep your head above the surface. But if you do learn to swim, you'll be stronger than those who didn't have the extra weight on every day of their lives.

How much porn do you consume?

Boring and simpleminded opinion, user.

I jack off like every other day. That's not a lot.

i'm not depressed so why does it matter?
depends on how busy i am, normally jerk off once a day.

Sounds like some NoFap is in order for all of you

Fuck you, you retarded piece of shit, I'm a 27 year old woman and I'm anti-porn, I just know what depression feels like. You thought you were so fucking clever huh well you fucking aren't.

Boring and effective. Time to get serious instead of remaining a child

This is accurate as fuck. I want to do productive things, but I just can't care enough.

Women can be porn addicts too. Stop schlicking and jamming things in your holes

At its worst, an inability to get out of bed and care for yourself on a basic level. There have been times where I would sleep for 16 hours a day and lay in bed for the entirety of the time that I was awake. It was physically difficult to move.

No one wants to join your cult gayboi.

Literally have no libido when my depression is at its worst. I hope you're trolling because if not you are sincerely retarded.

Like a cold below freezing winter day but clear skies and the suns out. No matter how pretty everything is, you still feel the numbing pain of the cold all around you

this. you're automatically on nofap when depressed, whether you want to be or not.

Porn addict cope
That's just laziness

I hope that dumb fucking mouthbreathers like you get depression one day, and learn how fucking stupid you are.