
Valentine's Day Suicide Fuel edition

Create your desired ideal, discuss/rate/etc. others'
Feel free to describe physical traits (age, body), personality traits (interests), etc.
If you can, try not to lazyfag and reply to another user's post, and try to reply to posts with less replies


Previous Thread:

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girl in OP somewhat reminds me of a school friend kek
looks sweet though

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just this once, because it is that day today

probably less feminine than the picrew portrays

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at least you didn't open up with something as sinful as handholding like in the last one
i forgive you this time OP

previous OP wasn't me, but the one before that was

Every single holiday during the year serves as a grim reminder of my own failures.
Anyway, just in the nick of time before bed. "I swear, this is the last time I use this one" edition. I should look for some new picrews.
I hope you have a wonderful day, scientistwifeanon. It feels I've already said everything that could be said about her.
Cute, mischievous, always has a sharp response for you. I like it.
Hard to tell with the simplistic style, but she looks nice anyway

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this will be me til the end of this year and you can't stop me

Attached: dream_bf.png (600x600, 166.47K)

creating an idealised version of myself and someone who does not exist to cope with crushing loneliness? yep, it's valentine's day time

probably watches you while you sleep and is completely open about doing so

looks like she likes to come up with cutesy nicknames for you because she thinks it's cute when you get annoyed by it

gets bombastically excited about any ambition she has even if it's incredibly trivial

you are incredibly cheesy and saccharine in your love for each other to the point that everyone thinks you're faking it even though it's completely genuine

Attached: 1349513_4FVj0pk0.png (600x600, 244.41K)

Fuck you guys for reminding me I'm still a khhv
Anyway here is mine
What i like about here is the fact she has freckles despite not being redhead, she's not too short not too tall and she's around 20 just like me.
She likes doing urbex, listening to grunge music and joking around, she kinda have a delinquent side too.
She come with me to do urbex
Nice shy girl you got there, look like she would rest with you during valentine day
Server at a bar
Geeky girl who play paradox game
Prove us wrong user go, run, jump find her

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Happy Valentines day Any Forums
I miss her bros. It was never going to happen and she has her own family. Haven't heard from her in months, but I still think about her daily. As long as she's happy is all I care about at this point.
Might drink a little later tonight, not sure.
Picrel is basically an r63 of me but attractive with black/gold themes.
Cute, looks like she'd be down to cause some mischief.
She seems nice.
Artstyle is very different. Love it.
You both being happy is adorable. Hope it works out.
Makes two of us user, no worries.
Wings and a suit is incredibly underrated and aesthetic.

Attached: picrew7.png (600x600, 180.89K)

slim, slightly feminine
Stubborn, proud, tries to act manly but fails miserably, hates his feminine looks
Likes to read, play chess, practice fencing

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Hello, this is the 26th Valentine's day i spend without a romantic partner
Cute how you seem a little bit annoyed by her lovebombing you
I like your determination
>creating an idealised version of myself and someone who does not exist to cope with crushing loneliness? yep, it's valentine's day time

Attached: life sucks and then you die.png (600x600, 203.77K)

About 20, likes math and other STEM subjects, either slav or east asian

Based scientist wife
looks cute, seems dominant
nerdy aspie gf
really cute couple
kinda weird artstyle but seems cool
seems like she had a lot of emotional baggage

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Couple version

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>Ara Ara user-kun~ What's Valentine's day without a lover?~
incredibly adorable~~ What a sweet heart!
What a sweet couple~ But you need to smile for your girl, user-kun~
Well well, we found a dear here~ I just want to pinch her cheek!
What a happy couple!~ Now that's a good boyfriend!
They both look adorable besides each other!
Hmmm...~ goth girls are cute truly~
what a funny yet cute lookin' guy~
What a cute girl~...wait...that's a boy? Now that's a boy I'd eat but I might get a toothache!~~
Those two wouldn't be complete without each other, now would they?~
Nerdy girls are sweet, aren't they user-kun?

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i dont even have a mental image of what i want

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Don't worry, user-kun, having no standards is better than having high standards, because if your standards go through the roof then the chance of getting a REAL partner will drastically decrease~

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happy valentines day to me, I guess

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i couldnt begin to imagine what kind of person you are in real life but the ~ makes me imagine you being very nasally and whining your words

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This picrew's pretty monochromatic when it comes to clothes, huh? Still pretty cute though. Went full on fantasy ideal with the husbando on this one.

She looks very cute! Seems she'd be a determined sort of girl.
Very pretty, she looks sweet!
Adorable couple.
Very pretty, tsundere vibes for sure.

Attached: download20220201154213.png (600x600, 176.79K)