"Happy wife, happy life."

"Happy wife, happy life."

There's obviously some truth to that cliche, because if your wife's acting unhappy, you're going to be miserable.

But it seems to me that marriage should be a partnership, where both partners live their own lives, try to make each other happy and not miserable, and work as a partnership.

Yet, I know so many married guys who just seem depressed and withdrawn, while their crazy cunt wives stomp around demanding shit and acting crazy, while the husband just nods along with everything they say.

The couple I'm staying with right now are a really nice, but very withdrawn and quiet guy, and his batshit insane, unbearably annoying evangelical wife who literally believes God talks to her.

My dad's marriage is similar. My dad is a good man and he is strong, but my nutty stepmom spends so much time screaming and complaining about random shit, and he just sits quietly and waits for her to shut the fuck up and go to bed.

My mom's marriage is actually the opposite. My mom is quiet and strong, while my narcissistic, self-absorbed, miserable stepfather belligerently tells everybody how the world is. When he's not playing his strategy MMO. He's in his early 70s.

My best friend in college is like this too. He's a lawyer and supports his family, but he's another quiet guy whose batshit insane fiancee, who has kids and depends on him for money because she's still in grad school, rants and rants all day, and tells everyone how they're supposed to live.

I always had this romantic image of marrying a beautiful woman and raising a family, but fuck, marriage seems miserable and unbearable.

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Shut up scrote. Talk and think less, serve women more. Men need to be trained to act right and serve us in a relationship

lol you have it down, that's exactly how they talk on sites like lolcow

This implies equals. Women and men can never be partners because two different things cannot be equal. Marriage used to be the duty of the man to take her under the cloak of your protection. In return she served your home, tended your emotional needs, and bore your children. The only true partnership marriages are unironically same sex relationships between men. Modern society has given women so much protection that they no longer need a man to operate. This more than any other reason is why the majority of heterosexual and lesbian marriages end in divorce. There is no NEED of a partner for women which is why they so easily dispose of theirs.

Nobody is needier than women, that's why they're rarely ever single or independent and lose their identities in relationships. They're not designed to create or be individuals, they're just there for a sexual purpose and to follow. All of human history proves this, throughout every culture, we just happen to now be at a point where people don't like this fact because of feelings.

No two people are exactly equal but I think too much disparity in partners is going to have a really bad effect on the marriage. So, if you're a capable, intelligent person, your *moral imperative* needs to be to find a partner that's about equal to you or better (should you decide to even get married). Doing anything else is actually wrong, even if you end up alone.

Men tend to sacrifice their freedom and resources for companionship and sex. It's a shit deal but most men are desperate and afraid of being alone.

I'm afraid of becoming this, and yet it's already happening. I'm in a stable relationship and it's not great but it's not terrible. It's just enough to keep me from killing myself I guess.

My wife and I get along well. We've been together for 12 years. Ideally yes it is a partnership and luckily she knows that. It probably helps that we both come from families whose parents are also in good marriages. We're also not afraid to call each other out on stuff right away, as opposed to just going along with it until it festers into something worse later on. The biggest test will come this next year though since we're having our first kid in a couple of months. People keep saying to us that that is the most straining point of a marriage

>people keep saying to us that is the most straining point of marriage
They are just jealous of your happiness. They always say mean shit like that becausethey are jealous of your family's potential

Looks like funni le reddit women needs to go calm down and go back to FDS

>But it seems to me that marriage should be a partnership
But it seems to me that marriage should be a dictatorship of the husband*

That haircut is seriously hot!

Too long didn't read. You hate woman and think you're too smart for the world to understand

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if u r a guy

DO NOT get married. Period

It's because women are more desirable in the dating market and worth more objectively. An ugly woman with a good personality is more desired than a normal looking kind guy, she will have more options and dates because we are the choosers and you are the beggars. That's why so many of you are left starving and writing shit like this calling the haves "pathetic" while you have-nots are somehow morally superior. When really you are just a bitter fox that can't get the grapes

fuck off axe wound

I don't think so, since it's coming from our parents as well. It's just advice to remind us to be patient with each other when we're feeling overwhelmed with the baby and all that new stress.

That's true in your 20s. It's simple math, if you have a couple guys and lots of women, you can repopulate a village, but not the other way around.

The balance shifts in your 30s. By your 30s, the guys are still good, only they are further into their careers. Women's looks are starting to fade. Women are looking for a guy to settle down with if they haven't yet, but men still have all the time in the world.

40s, it's a men's game. Women are trying to hook guys because menopause is imminent. Guys aren't interested in hags their own age, because they still look as good as they did in their 30s. They get girlfriends at least 5 years younger than them.

In their 50s, women are gonna die alone. Single men are either living the bachelor life, or they go to a cheap country with petty women like Colombia, and get a hot af young wife.

Nope, true at all ages until death. Men don't get better with age that's a myth to make nerds that can't get pussy in their prime years feel better. Women's worth stays the same as they age even when they have some kids the men are just desperate as fuck

lolno, come back down to earth, you're gonna look like shit soon

I know a woman that
>dropped out sophomore year of highschool because she got teen pregnant
>had another baby from a different dad
>both of her parents died and she had custody of her little brothers, two of them
>she was on benefits
>got married to a random guy
>she got her GED and she has a good job now
>they are a happy family

You know a woman WHO. She is a person, not an object. Use WHO, not THAT.

The girl you just described made some bad decisions when she was young, but she must be incredibly strong because she took care of her family in the face of devastation, eventually became educated, and pulled her life together. She sounds like an amazing person, and I'm not surprised someone fell in love with such an amazing person.

That has nothing to do with the fact that you're going to look like shit in a few years, and it says a lot about you that you think you said anything that would make me think less of that girl.