Fembots at what phase are you currently?

Fembots at what phase are you currently?

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I don't need kids, I guess. I've skipped the first and the second one it seems

do you have a cat femanon?

Me and Bladee already have a brood of beautiful Saami children that live off a diet entirely made up of raw meat, blood and milk

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OH, youth. When you hit 30, no amount of xanny will help with your sense of despair

Men's suicide rates literally peak at 35-45, it's men that can't deal with getting old lol

Why? I would not be a good mother anyway, so why bother making my child suffer

I went straight to phase 3.

put a dog in the phase 3. so many single white chicks fucking their dogs these days, they deserve representation.

>why bother making my child suffer
Because that's your duty as a female.

That means very little, men are born with a death wish. If they can't make it they just check out.

most women are lazier than even the laziest man, so they have no idea what it's like to have chronic pain

None of them OP

Go kill yourselves then pl0x

>Why? I would not be a good mother anyway, so why bother making my child suffer
pretty based, i wish more people had that mindset

I won't, not yet anyway. But I DO know that it would make you genuinely happy.

Duty that will lead to an innocent person suffering? I don't want that kind of duty
Thank you

Whichever one is virgin in their 20's because they believed the bullshit about waiting for "the one" and is now stranded in their room due to horrific anxiety issues compounded by other mental disorders and is now thinking about a dog to make the loneliness slightly less and has reasoned thanks to medical conditions they probably weren't destined to have kids anyway even if they had access to a husband.
I guess some variant of step 3.

I wouldn't say most men are born with a death wish. White men, maybe. Which is why you all sissify yourselves or deepthroat shotguns. Other races of men have more masculinity and self respect.

>Duty that will lead to an innocent person suffering?
Yes, it is your biological imperative to rip someone from blessed non-existence and make them experience the life of a flesh golem.

>Other races of men
Other races of men are quite simply, unimportant. You have never and will never amount to anything, you will always live off the charity and achievements of white males.

More like you did all the dirty work, we get to neet around and fuck your women like the cheap whores they are then pass them on to you to marry LOL. Thanks sucker.

>the charity and achievements of white men
If you mean the huge amount of white sissy porn then yes I will concede. White trap technology is getting crazy and is quite the achievement, and I'll admit you're very charitable for posting your cute lil boipussies online for free, for brown men like me to jack off to. Thank you, white girl(male).


based and kotpilled they are the cutest animals

Next to nobody watches sissy porn and most of it is has dark skinned creatures as the "women"

Still phase 1 and never going to progress. Cry about it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know, I know.

The vast majority of incels are non-white, so you don't get to fuck anything but your hands and hairy brown man ass, as for being NEETs, you are basically factory equipment. The life of r-selected excess males must be a nightmare.

White traps are my favourite. They go to so much effort to become the perfect cumdump.

Inceldom is basically non existent in non white countries wtf are you talking about lel. Asia and South America have plenty of prostitutes and you can pretty much buy any teen girl from a village you like.

You're alone on r9k on a Friday night so you're not doing any better than us whitebro, take that stick out of your ass and stop being so mad kek.

That's not the code of my kind goddess and she types in lowercase.

>Inceldom is basically non existent in non white countries
Imagine spitting in your struggling brothers' face like this just to make an invalid claim

>inceldom is basically nonexistant in non white countries
Are you ignoring india, china and japan here? Or is this just piss poor baiting?

It's only when they emigrate to non white countries, and it's only really Indians and Chinks who struggle. Latino, Arab and Black men do fine.