You guys do realize that responding to tranny shiling threads with ynbaw and all the tranny photos you have saved up is...

You guys do realize that responding to tranny shiling threads with ynbaw and all the tranny photos you have saved up is exactly what the raids aim to accomplish right? You are all so easily baited it's really funny

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>He thinks I'm neglecting to sage

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lol ywnbaf

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even sageing the thread while still responding to trannies gives them lulz fuel user

Any Forums has a bait issue sure but don't act like there aren't frequent tranny grooming threads that target the weakest males among us

honestly if the weakest males among us were to fall to something as low effort as what the trannies post here then they are no match for the rest of the internet and irl stuff. All replying to those threads do is make them stay up longer, draw more attention to them and make the trannies post more

Even if everyone who hated the threads completely ignored them they would still get attention its all they ever want whether it be good or bad. They have coordinated groups and some anons on here support them or at least fetishize them and simp. Even if just one of those retards seethe and get suicide inducing dysphoric thoughts from the hate then its worth. What I don't understand is if they didn't shill bbc and tranny shit they would never get hate. I don't care about 1 of those threads up at a time it's spamming multiple at a time is what's the problem. They only fuel the fires of hate directed towards them. They also just need to understand they are entitled to everyone's acceptance of their delusions in a place like this it's just never gonna happen.

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>honestly if the weakest males among us were to fall to something as low effort as what the trannies post here then they are no match for the rest of the internet and irl stuff
you're right but i still find it disgusting when trannies prey on those types of incels
i've seen it happen myself to people i knew on discord.
the bumping shit is an issue fr, simp anons on here have a serious problem with bumping attention garnering "femanon" threads

>They also just need to understand they are entitled to everyone's acceptance of their delusions in a place like this it's just never gonna happen.
Meant to say aren't*** They definitely are not

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are there any [current year] screenshots of these tranny discord servers that aren't the same old shit from 2018 reiko era?

the f is for frog. I'm sure you can do the math :\

Honestly don't even know even if there isn't doesn't mean they don't exist. It's not like this place doesn't get raided for other shit besides tranny shit so why would that be any different. The fact they did exist at some point in the first place though is pretty eerie don't ya think?

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Only thing I wish for is a board for people forgotten by society ,united by their suffering, finding solace and rest together and look what we got fucking tripfag discord bullshit and femanon this and that threads. Is there anywhere left to go at this point, will there ever be a place for people like us ?

But the OP didn't post a frog, wtf??

that's degenerate filth but it proves nothing

Well they seem to really wanna bash the evil alt righters and show them whos boss in this one.

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I'm trans mtf and these threads genuinely make me sad.

Looking lovely!

>I'm trans mtf and these threads genuinely make me sad.

>Honestly don't even know even if there isn't doesn't mean they don't exist. It's not like this place doesn't get raided for other shit besides tranny shit so why would that be any different. The fact they did exist at some point in the first place though is pretty eerie don't ya think?
This and there's plenty of evidence of the same threads being posted thousands of times. only coordinated shilling could produce that, not even the saddest tranny virgins will commit to that alone
i've personally seen the exact same one telling incels to "take the pink pill" and get the "love and attention women recieve" but i dont have it at hand

Same fellow robot user same. It's saddening I have over half the board filtered just from female and discord related tags. People say wizchan but I aint no fucking boomer and the moderation is a bit too much there. All the fucking NEET threads die so early here and I always talk in those when they pop up where the fuck are my neetbros at. Where the hell are the real robots the mf's who are apathetic about everything other than filling their time with escapisms, cooms, and other NEET activities. I refuse to believe I am the only one here who is content with neeting and lack of women.

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>But the OP didn't post a frog, wtf??

>Looking lovely!
Yeah they look even better than you do troon faggot.

>Same fellow robot user same. It's saddening I have over half the board filtered just from female and discord related tags. People say wizchan but I aint no fucking boomer and the moderation is a bit too much there
you're not alone dude i'm also sick of the constant femanon threads corrupting this board. the jannies are fucking simps and we need to start pushing for rule changes, a lot of people share our sentiment trust me