Tfw no gay friend

>tfw no gay friend
actually, no friends at all but stil...

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Why would you even want a gay friend in particular? Don't tell me you're some kind of fag or fag hag.

I want a gay friend because I'm probably attractive but have no sense of fashion or know what haircut to get. Am retar :(

even if you had gay friends they would just try to fuck you then make you feel like you're not normal for not wanting to fuck them then move away and beg you for money while feeding their drug habit and lying to everyone. oops sorry im projecting a bit, gimme my 2 g's motherfucker

Why? Straight friends are better and won't molest you.

why not get a gay boyfriend and then you'll have a gay friend and someone to have sex with

I don't really know desu... I just think it'd be nice, probably might get me into something i've never heard of before like fashion i dunno
This could help too, gays are very neat and handsome for some reason lol
What the hell happened to you user? Sounds messed up desu
Like i said, i don't have any friends so i wouldn't know

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>be openly gay twink in high school
>want a qt sensitive twink
>attract confessions from 3 guys who are all either masculine or uggos
Such is life in the zone

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>I just think it'd be nice, probably might get me into something i've never heard of before like fashion i dunno
Just go for having friends first. Gay friends are not a good intro to having friends or getting into new interests. Go for a gamer friend, so many of them are into traps so it's close enough to a gay friend but without a lot of the drama and tons of vidya.

I want a gay friend because I desperately want someone to relate to. My entire sexuality as an identity so far has existed solely on the internet (I've had sex but I was thoroughly depersonalized during every session) so I'd like someone to like help me bring my identity to the real world so I feel a little more real.
There was a kid in my church who was also gay, he came out some years before I even put the pieces together about my own sexuality. He ended up moving away and traveling around for a few years, eventually while in some fucking BYU mormon theology class he "got a prompting by the holy ghost" to no longer be gay, and he canceled a date he had made for that day. A year or two after that he came out as """"bisexual"""" so he could stay in the church. I desperately want to meet up with him someday and like talk about the relationship between the church and our sexuality and stuff like that.
Ben, if you're somehow here, I and all your girl friends know you're not bisexual you big pink fruit.

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this is why I'll never act on my gay side, faggots have even higher standards than women.

Being gay is just a fetish stop watching porn and you'll fix it

I could be your straight friend bro.
You just need to fulfill a few conditions though.

I nofapped for half a year (thanks meds!) and I'm still gay so unfortunately that isn't true.

I convinced my twink friend to suck my dick in HS and he got super clingy

You probably didn't do it right. Either way just make normal friends and stop obsessing over your sexuality that's probably why you think you're gay

>nofap and you won't be gay anymore
>Ok I did and I'm still gay
I didn't look at porn, either, before you jump to that. I had 0 libido so I had no reason to.

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Do twinks generally not like masculine guys, even as friends?
I actually suck at making vidya friends and the few times i've added someone they just ended up ghosting me..
Imagine just casually doxxing ol' Ben on Any Forums user... lol
I don't realistically expect to make any friends from this site, but just out of curiosity.. What are these 'conditions'?
Sounds like you took advantage of him desu

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>the few times i've added someone they just ended up ghosting me..
Any idea why?

>Imagine just casually doxxing ol' Ben on Any Forums user... lol
You're not gonna be able to dox him from a single first name baka baka

Maybe you have some other reason for becoming gay. But again just make normal friends and don't rant about being gay because that gets uncomfortable for others.

im bi but more into guys
am i good enough to be your fren op?

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>What are these 'conditions'?
- Not live more than 200km away from me.
- Be willing to meet IRL.
- Share my sense of humor.
- Be cool with divergent opinions.

Bonus if you like to hike and do barbecues.

you're really insistent on me not being gay and I'm having trouble fathoming why

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>do barbecues
how old are you user?

27 years old why?
BBQ is life pal. Loved doing some in nature while camping since i was a kid.

Probably I'm projecting a bit because this sight gave me gay desires over time. But I do actually think being gay develops in different ways, some from birth. But if you're really sure that's fine user I just don't like it when people are groomed into it. Still I don't see why not just make friends without worrying about sexuality, you're not going to be fucking them