Would you date a girl who was raped as a child but is otherwise a virgin?

Would you date a girl who was raped as a child but is otherwise a virgin?

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i mean, people date girls who had 12 bad exes so yeah i guess

>Would you date a girl who was raped as a child but is otherwise a virgin?
I'd date any girl.

This, I wouldn't think less of her at all

Yes, as long as it doesn't affect our relationship in a certain way. According to some research I've read victims of child sex abuse how an issue with intimacy and hate sex while others become very sexual. If it is the former then no but the latter then yes.

I would rape her as well

Yes. Especially if you have daddy issues

>If it is the former then no but the latter then yes.
The opposite for me. I want a lovey dovey sexless romantic relationship.

As long as it was her dad so we can roleplay

no way, what kind of manufacturer damages their own goods??

yes I would date empath and make her my wife.

Obviously. Clearly. Fembot hands typed this

Would you date a guy who was raped as a child but is otherwise a virgin?

If she has healed her trauma. A lot of girls carry baggage that is just not worth getting involved with.

you'd have a hard time finding a girl who wasn't raped as a child. we live in a horrible world.

does it seem odd to you that in America we're normalizing everything from homeless tents lining main streets for miles to shootings happening in schools every month.

but rape is somehow not normalized?

what's the point anymore. we've decided rape is worse than genocide lol. if that isn't brainwashing i don't know what is.

I blew a guy when I was 6. Other then that, I'm a virgin. Same guy didn't want anything to do with me when I was like 13. I guess I hit the wall early, I don't know. Might just have to accept that the first time was the only time.

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Yes, if she has the potential to be affectionate I'm all in

My last 4 relationships were with this type of woman. It's almost like all women are like that.

She gave up her vag, no ew

Is there neoteny in bred children? If so then no. If not then yes.

Not neoteny, but the effect of womb-ingested spermal DNA on the brain.