Forget about women and politics, what has been making you happy lately anons

Forget about women and politics, what has been making you happy lately anons

i recently cleaned my bookcase and feel rlly satisfied with the space that ive created for my self

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I haven't been happy in a very long time. All i know is negativity.

things will get better desu, i believe in you :3
surely you have hobbies that give you joy

My cats, but they always make me happy
I was enjoying reading manga I guess

Eh, started another bad depressive episode. Everything feels meaningless. I have things that I do but without someone to share them with, they feel pointless

aww you're too cute x3

>I was enjoying reading manga I guess
what manga? ive been reading princess ai lately, its kind of bad but i like it

>started another bad depressive episode
im sorry to hear that user, you get through it tho it happens to the best of us

I was reading Call of the Night. It was kind of bad too but I thought it was cute. What is Princess Ai about?

>What is Princess Ai about?
its kinda about a half angel princess who loses her memory and gets sent to earth and has to figure out who she is and why shes there, its pretty trashy but i like the characters and the story is nice

>reading Call of the Night.
Ive never heard of that what is it about?

What does she do while she's on earth? How is she figuring out who she is?
>Ive never heard of that what is it about?
This 14 year old dropout goes out at night because night >>>>>>>> day, and essentially gets adopted by this vampire girl and accidentally inducted into vampire society because of it
Its not the best but its a charming story

>What does she do while she's on earth? How is she figuring out who she is?
she gets hired by a strip club to sing because a sort of guardian angel whos disguised as a busker convinces her to sing on the street while he plays his guitar, she also meets a guy who works at a universities library that takes her in and helps her in her search. its definitely worth a read despite its flaws

>14 year old dropout goes out at night because night >>>>>>>> day, and essentially gets adopted by this vampire girl
thats sounds pretty kino in a trashy kind of way, ill definitely check it out at some point

Like five more days until I can roll for Yae. I have 105 rolls saved up and I am 30 into pity, but I have a coinflip in the way. I am hopeful, though.

>Like five more days until I can roll for Yae.
i dont know what this means but good luck user

Ooh, nice! Do you have any books you plan on putting in it?

I stopped smoking weed and cigarettes, I stopped drinking, I stopped watching porn and I went for nature walks two days in a row. I'm still terribly unhappy but it's ok, thank you for asking. Good job cleaning your bookcase :)

I had a good leg day. That is all

Trying to make a game. I've been learning pixel art. Then I'm going to try learning godot or unity. Then I got to learn how to make music.

>Do you have any books you plan on putting in it?
i already have it mostly full of books like 1984, oryx and crake and italo calvion's complete cosmicomics (which i highly recommend) but i also want to pick a few books when i get the chance like Chomsky's manufacturing consent and the gulag archipelago

>I stopped smoking weed and cigarettes, I stopped drinking, I stopped watching porn and I went for nature walks two days in a row.
thats amazing user im proud of you, ive had a hard time getting rid of that stuff but im on the right track i feel

>today my daughters and I played catch with the neighbor boy
thats awesome, glad to see parents spending time with not only their own children but kids in the community

>I had a good leg day.
always great to hear anons are taking care of themselves

>Trying to make a game. I've been learning pixel art. Then I'm going to try learning godot or unity. Then I got to learn how to make music.
developing a new skill can hard but i believe in you user, i make music sometimes and i found it very satisfying seeing my progress, just dont try and do too much at once or you might burn yourself out

Currently on day 60-70 of daily meditation, Anapanasati to be specific
My mentor has been guiding me through all my questions and it's going great

And recently purchased a couple translations of the Tao Te Ching and going over the chapters

>Forget about women and politics, what has been making you happy lately anons
Nothing makes me happy.
Just being me is enough to feel contentement.
Temporary boosts of joy linked to material pleasure is nothing but a scam.
Find inner peace and attain ataraxia. Only then will you truly know what it means to be happy.

Attached: Philosophical Chad.jpg (830x513, 145.26K)

>Currently on day 60-70 of daily meditation,
i tried meditation but it didnt rlly work for me, im glad it works for you tho and i bet its great to have a mentor that you can connect and grow with

>ust being me is enough to feel contentement.
thats cool bro, thanks for telling us all about it

>what has been making you happy lately anons
I've had two job interviews in the past two days and I'm pretty sure I'm a shoe-in for at least one of them. My two weeks of unemployment are coming to an end. Time to wage it up and stack paper.

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