I love everybody here. even if sometimes you guys say mean things, you mean a lot to me...

i love everybody here. even if sometimes you guys say mean things, you mean a lot to me. all i want is to make the day of someone here. i started off posting with this trip because i wanted to be recognized in miyokos threads, it moved to regularly posting. i fell into the attention whore egirl trap and did dumb shit, engaged with orbiters, people tried to make me starve myself, i got involved with girls who would teach me how to get men to give me money. i was really immature and i liked that i had friends. eventually i had a dissociative episode and stopped posting stuff like that, got obsessed with thinking i'm the ugliest person alive because of the guilt i felt. i kept posting about being depressed but i got off my meds and that helped a little. i can kind of recognize my patterns with people now, so i decided to stop talking to anyone on discord from here unless it's in a server or important. i read many books now. i really only keep this trip to see my development as a person, and who knows, maybe i will go back to being a vapid e-whore, but right now i am trying to be nice and help people. i post on user a lot trying to help out people from here and on /adv/. maybe i can make up for what i did. i remember making that really long vocaroo apology where i was almost crying lol. in the end i feel quite upset when people post my face and say rude things about me but i know i deserve it from the mistakes i made when i had a manic break and posted my face to verify i was ugly. instead of improving i used it as a reason to be lazy and gross. i improved though! i know how to wash my clothes and fold them now and ive been practicing putting on necklaces and tying my shoelaces. i took many anons' advice and i am now doing way better. i may stop posting on this trip entirely soon. being an "r9k e-queen" does not interest me

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Nice wall

tldr i love you user how are you i will be here to listen to you if you want that

Me too unironically only place I don't have to argue with normaloids about how suicide is not le bad!

i used to be on sanctionedsuicide it was very strange, here is much nicer
i am definitely pro-suicide for people who have no other option, or even where it is the better long term choice

when will ur bpd activate so u can go back to emo attention whoring

Good for you pal

why do you want me to be like that? i prefer improving desu but if you want me to be a carbon copy thats your view
thank you user! i love you

>pock me blah blah
If you stopped caring then you wouldn't post this bloat of shit and removed the tripfag, you attention depraved whore.

>look guys im removing the tripcode but you can still find and simp for me!!

i am trying my best to believe that, but i also don't want to be overconfident and regret it. what does this inner strength feel like?
you are the one reading and replying to it... are you okay user? how have you been lately?

Would it kill you to use paragraphs? Jesus Christ...

kill yourself. you're genuinely a worthless, shitty person

Ok, then stop, you clearly still have interest in being an ewhore if you keep your trip for your 'development as a person' or whatever other woman excuse you can come up with.
>maybe i will go back to being a vapid e-whore
the fact that this is even a consideration in your mind proves that you will go back to your ways.

>i really only keep this trip to see my development as a person

for attention*
i've seen dozens like you on this board, you'll end up like ciara if you don't fuck off now
young women like yourself are too emotionally immature for a place like this


alright but i didnt ask. org

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ok sorry anons im very fucking sleepy but im going to type this out and apologise i know i really do come off as an attention whore and maybe i am one but i dotn have any friends in real life and i just lke talking to people on here about literature and birds its fun to do and i hate that i am involved in all this stuff i really am just someone waking up every day trying to be as much of a normie as possible and its nice people recognize me here because ive always been a ghost in real life nobody ever really cared for me
even if i am hated at least i am not the nerdy autistic quiet outcast that i am in real life
ic an talk to you guys without stuttering over my words and crying over not being able to say things right and its okay that you want me to kill myself because it helps me to realize maybe i am doing something wrong by doing all this but if i go off here im almost totally alone because no other place is relatable

You used lonely men for money. You are the lowest of the low. You need zero empathy to do something like that. You are subhuman.

Too long. Did not read.
Weren't you the one that added robots, killed conversations/didn't respond and made fun of them for trying to talk to you?
Why are you even here? Slit your wrists you worthless fuck.

I don't care about you leaving this site, sure you're a woman but honestly as long as you don't tout it no one even cares.
Do you think the people here have friends? Don't have their own issues in life that isolates them from having functional social lives? Of course not, don't give me that crap about here being some sanctuary for you because you say that as if it's some out of place thing, because most people here tripcode or not have the same feelings. The only thing that differentiates you from everyone else here is your tripcode. Most people here who have similar backgrounds to you don't tripcode. Why? Because the only reason you'd want to tripcode is to be an attentionseeking whore, to stand out on a community thats built for its anonymity, that isn't feeling like this place is relatable, that's just trying to syphon people for attention. That's using the people you apparently relate to so hard. Fuck you, get the fuck off this board or stop using a tripcode you fucking ewhore.

ok, i didn't ask for you sob story though

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