Is it possible to recover from never having friends in childhood? I feel like i missed out on so many happy experiences

Is it possible to recover from never having friends in childhood? I feel like i missed out on so many happy experiences.

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I dunno, every moment feels like a nightmare to me. Every. Single. Moment. And it just keeps going, heh.

I haven't even been able to play video games for 2 years because I have no money, and girls obviously hate me. WHAT THE FUCK????? LOOOOOOOOL WHAT THE FUCK IS THISBFUCJINGSHIT???????????????

Yes. Start with a convention or self help group.


I can't even lay down because I'm basically obese from eating a small meal, I just want to sleep and forget this fucking life even happened

If you curb your expectations maybe yes? It's just a catch up game until you get the average social knowledge.

Every single house you walk past is owned by somebody. And in it, there is a man and a woman who are happily married, and they most likely have children. Chilling, absolutely chilling stuff.

It's just the quantity of houses and people inside them that's got me down. Like I'm actually worse than almost every single person that I see. Financially, spiritually, romantically, by every measurable statistic I am worse. And I'm also constantly scared and in shock. Holy FUCK. *starts hypervebtillating*

That's a nice world you live in user, can you get me in cause I never seen that much happy people even counting TV shows.

I wish I could just befriend you user.
I don't have any friends, I don't get along with people other than robots.

>by every measurable statistic
Why do you do this to yourself? There's always someone above and below you, alive or dead.

True, foolish of me to presume what goes on inside of those mansions. But I think it's safe to assume that something does indeed happen in there. Could be anything.

>99.9999% of people are better than you
>but it's okay since you're not THE absolute worst person on earth!
retarded mindset

People all feel the same things we do, they just keep doing shit after shit trying to get that high of being happy last a little longer that the last time. The whole point of the normalfagging is to chase after that high until we die. Like rats on a wheel running and running to get closer to something is not even material or real. Comparisons are irrational user.

Imagine being in the bottom 0.0001% and becoming self aware LOL. At least God is actually real, so I can assume this was intentional... My nightmare life was intentional... Great...

Look up the pit of despair experiments.
When put back with other monkeys, monkeys that were isolated early on had to be removed again as their peers would violently and unceasingly attempt to kill them.
People can smell it on you. It never goes away and it never washes off. It is biological.

Nigger the point is comparing yourself to others in the game of life is retarded. There's only 1 of you, that's why people say compare yourself to who you were.

Being incelibate and in constant pain with no entertainment like video games or a comfortable chair to sit in is just getting to me. Honestly surprised I don't see more people screaming like this, holy FUCK dudes what the FUCK.

Great plot for a movie but terrible pseudo-science post. There's case of children that got locked in the same house their entire lives while getting that pounding and even recovered somewhat to function and meanwhile we have some white kids going to iraq and becoming just potatoes. There's no formula to recovery.

It is just annoying that the best way to win at life is to abandon your morality. Is this a test?? Are we failing?? Biblical God can do anything. The lords house has many rooms and this is just one place. Actually kinda more scary than comforting, lol. Puny human brains with their limited comprehension =(

Get a productive hobby nigger. Anxiety turns into an asset when you can channel it into making something.

Happiness in unmaintainable but in your case you should at least try to secure the basic needs. Anything more is just superfluous.

>best way to win
It's not, its the easiest.

Do not worry I am much worse compared to who I was too!

There is no formula because it is not real.

What you want is what you want

Yes that would make it the best. Stealing millions of dollars and raping girls is actually so easy to get away with. And you are basically taunted into doing so. But what about the other rooms? It's just so confusing and the more I study the less I'm sure I even exist at all, which is retarded because aren't I writing about it? Durrrr

Same here. Ive been socially isolated fot so long that I doubt i will ever be able to relate to socially active people ever again.

user, people used morality and religion as an weapon to put people in line. They raised you, me and everyone in this thread to believe in the good/evil shit. This only works for simple problems that are not found in the real life, just a way to guilt people to doing what's good for society. From damn cartoons to music we were indoctrinated at very young age to follow this crap. Several philosophers realized that these morals people were pushing are not sustainable and with more information being available it becomes even obvious that no one is truly good and it's all some bs.

We've been doing this to ourselves for thousand of years, from making slaves think they will rest on the afterlife or just justifying raping and killing other populations. It's all a tool.

There's documentation of it working user.

The inertia is the price you pay. Consequence distinguishes the best from the worst.

i've never had friends, still don't. man is a social creature, this is not normal.

Unique isn't a virtue in and of itself. Every pebble on earth is unique and you don't see every pebble going for thousands on auction.

I successfully came out of six years of total isolation once and the social part was easier than expected.
Went back in eventually. Too much romantic rejection at once.

Feel free to post it

It's not about virtue, your genome gives you advantages and disadvantages distinct from someone else. You can dwell on other people's scores and feel like shit, or you can work on 1 up-ing your own.

>romantic rejection
I am talking about making friends not getting a girlfriend.

Nah, continue believing in what you want. If you ever get tired of it just look for abuse/rape cases that got them locked their whole lives. Some of them do recover, it's not the majority but to claim that recovery is not real you are just lacking the base of rationality and not amount of wikipedia link posting will change that.