What's the appeal of Any Forums for you?

What's the appeal of Any Forums for you?

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It is like the allure of a garbage bin to a rat

green texts, cat pics, wojack and rare pepes

Can talk about any topic, decently active, and no powertrip mods. That's it.

A fairly well paced board for me to shitpost in and talk about my problems from time to time

Pseudo community
Guys are pretty funny
Any Forums is one of the last bastions of free speech
one of the few male dominated / racist spaces that exist

there's not much appeal, I hardly browse here at all anymore. used to browse here every day for years but realized it was fucking with my mental state. hearing other people talk about how depressed they are and how they want to kill themselves all the time isn't good for you

Drugs hit hard

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I want to fuck Billie Eilish so bad

I've always wanted to be an outcast among the rejected and downtrodden

I guess I'm just a loser wherever I go

Only place where you can freely express yourself

Mostly because there is no topic meaning free discussion and no unoriginal posts meaning no Any Forums-tier spam

I'm banned from other boards. And after spending time here, this is the worst board here, and the most cringe and full of failed normies. Literally the bottom. No one here is interesting or have anything goin on in their lives and still they spend it crying and being miserable also in internet. But it's ok robots are passed it and they just embrace it now.

Among other things it's a safe space for lonely losers like myself to vent our frustrations, and have fun whilst we're at it. Other places might advertise themselves as being somewhere for outsiders to vent their feels, but they still have a normie/whiteknight culture coming to the surface once you challenge the status quo, even if it's just in jest. We have some of that here but they're still the minority thankfully, or at least they for on the threads I go to.

shitposting, memes, post-post-ironic post-humor, discussing all kinds of topics you would never hear irl, getting unsolicited input from all kinds of people you would never meet irl, etc

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i consider this to be the "bitching about modern women" board

Nothing, it's just simp central, but I have nowhere else to go

Board I come to when I hit max threads on Any Forums
Hasn't been my main board in 3 years

But we barely have any of those things anymore
It's all just thinly veiled blacked and fuck porn

Any Forums with slightly less degenerate porn

I like to see guys talking about how much they want love. Makes me feel like there's hope

Simultaneously the douchebags also blackpill me to reaffirm that some men are scum