"improove ur persunalitee"

>"improove ur persunalitee"
the normalfag says as if that isn't as predetermined as your face or height. No cunt. It's not my fault I was neglected by my single autistic mother that didn't teach me shit about shit leading to an inferiority complex and severe lack of confidence. It's not my fault I was bullied by my older siblings leading me to having severe social anxiety that I'm barely getting over at 22 years old. It's not my fault my father passed these shitty OCD genes that have wreaked havoc on my psyche. It's not my fault that as a result of all of these things I've gone through life barely exercising any social skills, suffered extreme loneliness and suicidal thoughts, withdrew into the internet to cope and developed an edgelord sense of humor and becoming completely unrelatable to normies, been targeted and shit on by normies for being socially incompetent, and I'm basically hopeless now despite "sElF imProOvinG" by working out just so I can have enough dopamine in my brain to not blow my brains out.

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You can improve your personality though, by getting hobbies you enjoy, finding role models, and honestly? Take a break from this board/website. Any Forums and especially Any Forums just make it worse because of all the anger and bitterness
>becoming completely unrelatable to normies
Everybody here wants so badly to be just like normies, I don't understand it. We aren't like them and trying to be just makes you feel inferior

This is a 3rd thread about "waaaaaaaaaaah normies told me to become normal" Why are you seething so much all day ?

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>inferiority complex
is recognizing the truth really a complex?

>le improve personality

Fun fact if your brain produces too serotonin you will always be a depressed spineless wuss but if it produces too little you will be a violent aggressive jerk.

Muh free will am I right?

>You can improve your personality though
normies act like all because it's something that is possible to iMpRoVe that means it's all your fault if your stats aren't maxxed out. And they do that with zero concept of what that actually looks like. It's not like they've ever done it. How the fuck are you supposed to get social experience when you have crippling social anxiety your whole life, or any of the things I mentioned? Hobbies are the biggest meme too. I have fucking hobbies. That doesn't make you able to talk to people.
>Everybody here wants so badly to be just like normies,
No, everyone here wants to have friends and girlfriends like normies.

>role models
Oh you means the one that abandon you or turn out to be shitty?

No one owes you any kind of social interaction bcecause you turned out retarded, no matter what the reason. You are who you are. You can cry about it all you want, it wont change anything.

The worst is when you tell them your hobbies is gaming and or anime and they tell you get more hobbies like,what the fuck you want from me?

Go to psychiatrist user. They cant fix you, but they will give you a guide you must follow, and with enough effort you can overcome some things like social anxiety.

t. ex depression

>nO oNe owEs yoU
like a literal NPC. No one asked you faggot.

>like a literal NPC. No one asked you faggot.
But the truth hurts doesnt it nigger?

I basically have by watching Dr K. videos. I no longer really have that much social anxiety and much less depression since working out. Doesn't make me able to socialize.

>Doesn't make me able to socialize.
It takes time, you must do what makes you feel happy tho

Social Anxiety is a mental illness meaning you cant actually control it dumbass.

You can take meds and practise the stuff psychiatrist gives you. It wont make you a chad, but it will defenetley ease the anxiety

I'm out of time. I'm now at the age where I have to wageslave 90% of my waking life away, and normies are doing the same. The time for meeting new people is basically over.

>"improove ur persunalitee"
Ok but why dont you atcually do it instead of walloving in self pitty? Just try and see how far you can get. Seething wont do you any good.

samefag bait

If you can change your personality easily it means your actually a psychopath.

I know how you feel, user. I was raised by an abusive mother and a beta cuck step-father.
Normies sense that i'm a socially incompetent sperg from a mile away and abuse me for it.

>It's not my fault I was neglected by my single autistic mother that didn't teach me shit about shit leading to an inferiority complex and severe lack of confidence
I was raised by a single autistic mother who considered me the devil and the root of all her suffering but I can talk with others just fine. Sure, I tend to fumble words a lot when speaking but people generally tend to find me charismatic and approachable in spite of that.