Should I go anorexic? I want to look like a skeleton. Do girls think it's hot?

Should I go anorexic? I want to look like a skeleton. Do girls think it's hot?

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>Do girls think it's hot?
No, not at all. Only gay men do and only if you're also hairless and a twink.

It's nice to be thin though. Who are you kidding, girls aren't going to fuck you anyway. Join the skinny club and do it for you.

skelly here
it's no fun, you get made fun of and sometimes it hurts
sitting for too long hurts because bone and no ass
social eating isn't a thing because you can't finish your meal and people look weird at you for not being able to finish your meal and encourage you to eat more, like stfu
can't do sports because no energy, I feel sick when I eat

>Only gay men do
and men as in MEN. Like old fat hairy men. Not cute boys.

I went down to 60kg 5'8 and my dick stopped working until I got back to 64kg. At your own risk I suppose.

some cutenoys do but most do prefer more weight
op should do it for the boys and post on b when he makes it

only if you have a strong jaw and chin. you'll just look like sid the sloth if not

Its a great self-harm technique because you feel like absolute shit while you're doing it. Imagine permanently having the flu, that's kinda almost what its like. Also say goodbye to your hair, without proper nutrients it starts falling out in handfuls.

> I feel sick when I eat
isn't that normal? I'm kind of fat but everyday I eat until I'm sick

>I'm kind of fat but everyday I eat until I'm sick
gee I wonder why you're fat.
The difference is whether you get sick after eating a small meal, or if you eat 10 pounds of fast food until you feel sick.

Yes but not quite. If you plan it out, you can go on a very low calorie diet and avoid most of those side effects. For example, I did vegan keto for two months (basically just green vegetables + a little tofu + nuts) then transitioned to a two week water fast.

I lost somewhere between 20 and 25 pounds, getting down to right around 148 (I'm 6'1). But I felt like I was having a religious experience at least half the time. Huge amounts of euphoria and an almost psychedelic sort of feeling connection with reality. I hallucinate a couple of times babies turning their head to me and asking if I love God.

On a random whim I started reading Chesterton and had an existential crisis that almost led to me becoming Catholic and thinking about priesthood.

Anyway, I ate some potatoes and felt like absolute fucking ass for a full day and I haven't felt that way sincd

>I felt like I was having a religious experience at least half the time.
that's all very interesting. It's like what happens to me with sleep deprivation.
I've almost never starved enough to get reality alterations like that. at least not for more than a couple days at a time.
How did you deal with hunger? Just force of will? Or do you not feel it?

I didn't really feel hunger at all past the first week. When you're eating a high fiber ketogenic diet with intermittent time restricted feeding, even on a steep calorie deficit you'll still consume enough volume to be full, though without some of the extra hunger triggers like blood sugar. So over the two months, as you're very much in ketosis, you can more easily start to wean yourself off food altogether.

Protip: At least take electrolyte pills as you do this. And drink plenty of water but get the sports water that has a little bit of potassium and other electrolytes.

>110 lbs
>hard to find men's clothes that fit

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well thats easily fixed

I'm 5'10 and 120 and also can't find clothes that fit. women's clothes don't fit at all either.

femboy clothing

being lean with some slight muscle? yeah. being a skeleton? no

No, people will just assume that you're a tranny or a twink.

>No, not at all. Only gay men do
this. I'm extremely homophobic tho so It's incredibly off putting.
I agree, except I can eat a large pizza by myself and I run 5ks regularly, plenty of energy.
Shirts are fine, it's mostly shorts and pants. It's hard to find mens clothes with a 27in waist. I concealed carry often so I usually buy 30in waist pants and they fit just fine with my g19+holster and a spare mag.

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oh yeah, forgot to add
I'm trying to gain weight but its really hard bros

Girls need to see your huge arms to get turned on, thin guys are not attractive.