Im not going to work tonight

Or tomorrow. I actually cannot do one more day of this job. I'm done. If they call I'll tell them they wont be seeing me again then hanging up.

I can work, but not this shit. Not another fucking day, not one. Probably just gonna get a case of beer and hang out and wait for my manager to call.

Back to NEETing for me bros.

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Why can't you work? What's so bad about the job?

What kind of job was this OP?

to parrot what the other user said, what's so bad about this job? thouhg to be fair i want to know what the job is too

my mum keeps hounding me to get a job, im on neetbux and have expressed that i don't want to work and she just gets pissy

im gonna go hobomode soon

Are you the grocery stocker guy that took off a day to relax?
Understandable. I hate working too, and I can't even say I'm coping - I blasted $120k away on Gacha games because all I do is play phone games on breaks, on transit rides, and sometimes at home since I have no energy for anything else.

I feel these both intensely

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>I blasted $120k away on Gacha games
You WHAT???? That's more than I make in a decade what the fuck???

good job op im proud(envious) of you!

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working through backstock over night at home depot. I make a thread bitching about this job like 3x a week.

For the entirety of every shift, the only thought in my head is
>I hate this, I'm going to quit in the morning
over and over and over again thats all I think. But I never have the balls to do it. But I'm done with it now, I called in sick yesterday and I'm just not gonna go in tonight.

The only job I've ever had that I could mentally handle was stocking shelves at a grocery store over night. I've been a dishwasher twice (DO NOT FUCKING BE A DISHWASHER, ITS THE SHITTIEST MIN WAGE JOB IN EXISTENCE) and pushed carts. Pushing carts sucks because you're constantly being abused by the front end staff as well as customers. I'd say this job is on the same level as cart pushing but better than dish washing.

WHen I applied for it I thought I was going to be stocking shelves but thats not really what I'm doing. I'm simply going through the same backstock week after week after week. Every week it gets a multiplier to how monotonous it is. I might go through 300 items in a night, and will get 20 of those out. 19 of those not even being urgent (as in completely empty.) I might fill a single empty spot on the shelf a night, so it feels like my job is actually fucking pointless. The backstock changes less than 1% week to week so every week I'm just going through the same exact shit that still can't go.

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Yup. This was over the course of a few years though, I had 40k saved up initially then had a job where I earn roughly 36k a year for 4 years now.
I genuinely can't cope with life, and whenever I look at my bank account - full or empty, its entirely meaningless. Just like the gacha games, just like waking up at 6am to go to work. Just like living out of obligation.
I use these dopamine hits to survive, pretty much.

over stock. Stock that couldn't fit on the shelf when it came in.

What games might I ask?

What's stopping you from going there and just not doing any work? It's night so there is no one. Just sit down and fuck around on your phone. What's the worst they could do? Fire you?

Dokkan Battle (Most of it), FGO (2nd Most), Last Cloudia (3rd most)

50% of the night I am on my phone, otherwide I would've quit a long time ago. However they have us log into their 'first phones' at the start of every shift, and the first phone is actually integral to doing my job "scanning bar codes, manually putting in codes, some other stuff." You're also supposed to hot 'complete' on bays after you've finished them. Basically they can see what you're doing, and tell how much work you've done in what time frame during the night.

And here's the thing. Even if they COULDN'T see my progress or exactly what I'm doing, I'm not gonna show up and stand on concrete for 8 hours a night for min wage. I actually need to feel like I'm doing something worthwhile - actually that's kind of the whole reason I hate this job; because it feels like I'm just showing up, and pretending to work for 8 hours. I can't mmentally do that man, I need to feel productive.

I don't know your situation, but if you are up for the work I recommend trying as a groundsman on a tree crew. It's an easy job to get, the work is good, pay decent, and it could show you a lot maybe

Or really any tradesman job, there is a great satisfaction in learning a skill and using it to help others + make a living. Electricians and plumbers make bank and can mostly work alone, but you gotta put some work in to get licensed and all that. Like I said I don't know your situation but no matter what you are doing you'll be better off if your work serves yourself and not some employer. If you're gonna go NEET, use that time to start building the foundation for what you really want

I have extreme case of social anxiety disorder. I am every limited in what jobs I can do (basically only night shifts at stores.) I can't handle having to interact with other humans, if a coworker or customer says one negative thing to me it will make me breakdown (I'll probably cry in the bathroom like a bitch for 5 mins) immediately followed up by ruminations of murdering that person for not only the rest of the shift, but probablt for multiple days.

I don't know user. Try and find an environment you think you could grow to feel comfortable in. Maybe try a farm/permaculture project, or a small businesses. I don't think your anxiety has to be as disabling as it has been in the past if you can find some decent and accepting human beings to work with

i can't interact with people either, makes things so incredibly difficult, although fortunately i dont have breakdowns, but unfortunately my feet are fucked so i cant be walking around for hours at a time

i've tried work repairing pallets, which besides the excruciating pain of interacting with everyone there (the same if not worse than school as a kid) i think i did permanent damage to my toes after just 3-5 days
and i tried pushing carts for a day (had no idea what i was in for because no one let me know what it would be like at all until i got hired) which also fucked my body but more importantly i nearly had heat stroke because they wanted me to wear a fucking mask the whole time, barely made it through the day and then never came back
shits tough

i hope you find something
for now i myself just try to scavenge for money in crypto and stocks

most small businesses arent hiring, or at least werent when i tried looking
usually they just hire people they know, usually family
and if they don't they'll demand you to wear a mask, which for me personally is impossible, as it makes me overheat and hard to breath, and simply wearing it is extremely stressful, i dont like things on my face, so basically anything for the time being is out of the question

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user, feel lucky you have a job, I understand you it may be degrading but compared to me I'm fucking stuck to a wheel chair for the time being, homeless family and still waiting on my fucking neetbux to kick in, I would love to work, consider yourself lucky

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Well I dont work any more because my shift starts in 40 mins and I have no plans on leaving this chair.