One robot bf to fall asleep and drool on my boobies, please

one robot bf to fall asleep and drool on my boobies, please

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Hello mommy! How are you today?

Unironically would cure my depression and help me fall asleep faster. Triple fast if I get to suckle your nipples and we're cuddling.

Sorry to disappoint but already taken.
You filthy slut.

How big are they? I dont like them too big, I prefer them smaller.

Fine but only if you pat my head while I listen to the rhythm of your heart beating

I hate the fact that if legitimately offered, I might take it. how does one stop being that incredibly lonely to the point where strange offers on an imageboard make me want to cuddle up and sleep

Only if you're older than me. I'm 19.

>give girl number at thrift store
>she's 19 I'm 24
>she talks to me via text
>we go on a date at a local arcade
>she hugs me immediately when we meet up
>proceed to hangout at her place next time
>we get drunk, makeout, and snuggle all night
>hangout again last night
>snuggle up in her bed and watch redline
>start fucking halfway through (maybe 2 am)
>fuck until 6:30am
>have to go to work at 7:00
I was legitimately sad I didn't get to snuggle up to her afterward, but is cute when a girl can barely walk when you're done with her

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>euphoria night
what's her opinion on the show?
this is important.

She apparently really likes it. I don't know much beyond that. She explained it as being about drug and substance abuse I think. I'm a 24 yo boomer and don't keep up with pop culture.

I already know she's probably fucked up if that's what you're trying to tell me. It's just nice to be embraced by someone and fall asleep next to a warm female body.

I'll be you robo bf and suck on your milkers femanon

I'm so fucking lonely just hurts.

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I am sorry bro, I hope you feel better user

Here is my advise. If you really are lonely and are desperate for physical affection or intimacy.

1. Think about how much you don't want to be alone
2. Think about the pain in your heart
3. Realize that with a some effort you can meet someone
4. Clean yourself up, brush your teeth, use some teeth whitening strips, get a haircut, and wear something nice. (i.e. something more than a shitty tshirt)
5. Write your number on 10 small pieces of paper
6. Now go to somewhere
I go to thrift stores, flea markets, and antique places, because I'm a fag who likes old shit and restoration.
7. Go to this place you picked out and if you see someone cute approach them and say "hi, I'm user and I wanted to give you my number" or "hi, I think you dropped this" then you can walk away
8. Don't linger and do PUA shit. It doesn't have to be clever. Women will be impressed you had the courage to approach them in the first place

Recently I talked to 3 girls and 2 responded. I'm still talking to one and we've already had great sex. Literally just put yourself out there. I'm not even good looking and I can do this shit. Just keep your expectations in check. If you don't get results lower your standards a little and approach a 6/10 instead of an 8/10. I did this before when I was 20 and I probably gave 8 girls my number, got 3 responses, but ended up dating one and losing my virginity.

FUEL your attempts with the FEAR of being alone. Remember how lonely you are, but don't wallow in self pity and fear. Use that loneliness to make you take action.

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Oh god don't remind me, I woke up and she was just watching me sleep and she smiled at me, I just held her tight with my head on her chest and told her I love her. FUCK I WANT TO GO BACK

he didn't ask for your pyramid scheme

how do fembots get away with posting shit like this when we know damn well they would never go on a date with a robot (im not talking about disgusting fat piece of shit robots im just talking about ones who had confidence shat on by bullying or height and shit)

He's a retarded normalfaggot that needs to get off this board, but that's not what a pyrimid scheme is.

I just want to help also not a pyramid scheme. I really think a lot of the guys here could get gf's if they didn't wallow in self pity and made some effort. I've been lonely and miserable before (most of my life actually) and I don't want anyone else to feel like that.

I wish a femanon under 8/10 would spam me.

by get gf do you mean get a fembot gf or one irl