If you got $700.000 in 3 years what would you do with it

If you got $700.000 in 3 years what would you do with it.

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Buy a lot of appartments and rent them out
>houses don't lose value
>get free money monthly
>if i get bored of them i can just sell them

>houses don't lose value
they can lose value sometimes a fair bit, it's just not common. it;'s not something you can just always sit on, if u have bad tenants or something big goes wrong you might be getting into shit too
there's a lack of liquidity so if you need the money fairly soon ish you might not not have access to it
prob other investments are better if you just want to get some neetbux income and keep ur capital 2bh

Go on a trip to Italy and then start a used record store as a front to get millennial pussy.

You're gonna burn through that cash pretty quickly user, just keep the money

Not a fucking clue, maybe invest on the firm of that dude that predicted the 2008 economic crisis.

put 10K of it in a few cryptos, then expand up to a 100K
put 50K of it in precious metals
put maybe 200K of it property
use the rest for rent/living costs and/or buying myself a house, establishing a company or a non-profit off the 5-20 years of financial independence it gets me.
I should be able to establish a bakery - how difficult can it really be to find three different ways to bake good-tasting bread and do it? -, teach people and sell it, with that much financial runway. though I'd hope I could do better.

>tl;dr minmax part of the money for stability, use the rest to obtain life/enterpreneurship experience

>put $100k in stocks
>put $50k in bonds
>put $200k in BTC
>put $200k in ETH
>put $100k in XRP/ROSE/NEAR
>live off the remaining $50k, pursue your hobbies, fuck bitches, and keep working
You'll be a multimillionaire in under a decade.
>Buy a lot of apartments
Good idea, but you underestimate the amount of fucking work involved. If you're into MDE check out the HW ep where Nick talks about his real estate grind, the average aspie robot isn't capable of that.

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buy a bunch of gold n shit, then wait for the stock market to crash
proceed to sell the gold after a bit then buy deeply underpriced stocks

Invest it all in stocks, keep working, retire at 35

wait 3 years

>buy a bunch of gold n shit, then wait for the stock market to crash
you might be better off just dollar cost averaging into the stock market over the course of a couple years, and putting half your money in at a 10% drop, half of what remain at a 20% drop, and the rest at a 30% drop. Really hard to predict a bull market.

This. Every retard saying they would invest it into a new gay ass crypto or some noname's shady startup didn't pass their basic economics class during elementary.

You get a bullet in the revolution.

>put 10K of it in a few cryptos, then expand up to a 100K
>do a bit of crytpo, maybe some shitcoins, get a quick and easy x10...

>put 50K of it in precious metals
>index fund would prob be better over non productive asset. pm use to be good for protecting assets, wealth rather than investment... i guess if there is med/high inflation might be worth it in the short term but u should prob look into that carefully

>put maybe 200K of it property
why 200k in particular? like the other user said, it's not just doing nothing and u can get unlucky or lose with it

>establishing a company or a non-profit off the 5-20 years of financial independence it gets me
5-20 years from the above huh.. i like ur ambition but be careful... when u get ur 700k : P

I work in an industry where earning over $700k over the course of three years is common, so I wouldn't change anything.

Pet food. Or vet bills.

>over 3 years
>wouldn't change anything compared to getting a lump sum

so i guess it wouldn't make any difference if you got the 700k over 5 years or 10 then either right? of course it would.
also is that after taxes/deductions and is salary

oh it looks like i'm the retard after all
he says getting in 3 years and you user say you earn it in 3 years. somehow i read get 700k at once. sorry bro.
would still be interested if take home $250k+ /year

Thanks for saying what I said but stupider

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