Your life biggest regrets

>wake up
>brush my teeth
>hop in car and go to job
>eat brunch(a loaf of bread)
>end shift
>get home
>cry and contemplate my bad decisions in life
>get a notification
>Elon Musk tweeted: I heckin love putyourshitcoinnamehereCOIN
>cry even harder cuz i didnt prepared my ecoins(didnt fangirl enough for daddy Musky)
>take meds and go to sleep
>rinse and repeat

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>wake up
>don't brush teeth because I didn't eat anything since I last brushed my teeth two days ago
>don't hop in car because I don't have a driver's license or a car
>don't work because I'm mentally ill and will have a mental breakdown if I get any pressure at all

I can't cry. At least if I can it seems physiologically locked away somewhere. Any tips on crying? I haven't cried in over a decade since I turned 14 I don't remember how to do it

I never brushed my teeth, so now I don't really have many left.
And they've all had some amount of work done on them.
I stopped smiling at one point because people would ask about my missing front teeth.

everything but my biggest life regret was being a fucking retard infront of 3 naked girls when i could have lost my vcard

I had plenty of money and blew it all on nonsense when I was crazy from Abilify. Every time I've gotten in good financial shape I fuck it up somehow

I regret not first fighting people and not being a gun owner.

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>#1. Being born with autism to a BPD single mother that molested and psychologically abused me for 20 years.
>#2. Not listening to Any Forums when bitcoin hit the market
>#3-1000 Random sperg moments of pure humiliation that play back in my head over and over

>>#1. Being born with autism to a BPD single mother that molested and psychologically abused me for 20 years.

lol and still you'll get niggers on here desperate enough to simp for these kinds of bitches on discord. i would never subject a child to coming out of the twat of a cluster b. fucking nightmare.

>wake up at 1PM
>brush teeth
>lay in bed
>turn on music and stare at laptop screen for 12 hours daydreaming(sometimes try watching a few minutes of YouTube or an anime)
>eat again
>sleep at 6:00am
>rinse and repeat
I wanted to improov myself and get a job but my parents will kick me out if I get the vaccine. I decided to just become an insane NEET.

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that is 100% a genetic male t(-.-t)

Learn to code user. You can get a remote job that pays really well in

Neglecting relationships with classmates probably
Some guys were tying to help me back in college and I sort of ghosted them
I've felt like killing myself since high school so I just avoid every single person I meet though, it's not like I had something against them

Probably not cutting off my egg donor sooner and giving her emotional supply all the way to late 2018 which she then used to destroy my attempts at building a life and to sabotage me left and right

Im not crackkkcinated and function normally in day to day employed life user. are you eurofag or something?

not standing up for myself more you cant get it back and you just develop into a passive person. don't be a passive person (aka pussy) its the worst thing you can be as a man or female.

getting into trouble and having a criminal history it basically prevented me from pursuing medicine.

Doesn't coding require intelligence,creativity and logical thinking? I thought about trying it but I don't think that I'm very logical or creative.

>are you a eurofag or something?
Nope, the job that I was trying to get was a trade job. All of the trade schools in my area require vaccination.

just fake your card user plus im sure the family would respect you for it.

t.uncrackkkcinated fed. employee

Cut onions

>in high school
>friend's little sister in middle school starts messaging me on Facebook
>asks me about teenager stuff like smoking weed and parties and sex and if I do that stuff
>tell her honestly that I don't party or smoke weed but I've had sex and gotten blowjobs before
>she tells me she's nervous to give head for the first time and that the boys in her class are too dumb anyway
>says she smokes weed now and that I should come over so she could show me how to smoke weed
>I already see her at sleepovers all the time anyway and she's basically saying I should come over for free weed and fuck her face for her
>don't pick up on this
>say no thank you, I have shit to do
>she says pizza pockets are awesome when you're stoned and we should have a sleepover like before and watch anime and cosplay and eat pizza pockets and sneak out together
>somehow still don't pick up on this signal
That's how I turned down free weed, anime, and probably a cosplay blowjob from my friend's bracefaced little sister

not riding the arab cock carousel

>spending too much time on Any Forums
>chronic masturbation
>listening to music too loudly, have tinnitus, also got many ear infections

4/10 larp
This will probably be the only reply

Not spending more time with my sister.
I'm buying a bigger house and I know she's alone, if she wants to I'll be delighted to have her live with me. Seeing her every day will genuinely make me happy

another reply to spite that other faggot