The top 90% of women go for the top 10% of guys

>The top 90% of women go for the top 10% of guys
Loser mentality. You'd be surprised how easy it is to get a gf if you actually take care of yourself and touch grass. First step is getting off this fucking board.

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wow its that easy, so all i have to do is read that ?

I left this board for a couple years and still never got a gf granted thats probably cause im a retard

Having a gf dont mean shit they still want Chad even while dating you.

getting a gf is easy, when 50% of the population is female and humans are mostly serially monogamous?
wouldn't have thought that
but have you considered that you're on a chinese basket weaving forum for schizos and retards?
that really makes getting a gf quite a challenge for ppl

Humans arent axtually monogomous, women come in harems just like the animal kingdomz peopel mate like gorillas most women from ugly to attractive are being banged by the most saught after men

Facts don't care about your feelings. No amount of disney fairy tale feelgood propaganda will change the realities of hypergamy and sexual selection.

Getting a gf means your only "ok I guess", but reality has shown any Chad can excite women even if that Chad says nothing but gibberish to them, women will always say insane things like "most men are loser" that includes the non Chads have had sex with btw meaning women only see Chad as valuable and all other men are shit. A non Chad who fucked 1000 women is less to a woman than an actual VIRGIN Chad thats how fucking insane women are.

Ok then keep accepting your "fate" while you remain miserable.
Just remember you chose this.

wtb gf for rune scimmy

Statistics and biology isn't "fate" you actual low IQ cretin. Read a book, nigger.

dual mating strategy. lock down chads superior genetic seed while fooling a betabuxer into raising his offspring. laws even support women in this.

wah wah why dont you want a gf boo hoo
stupid fucking faggot normies

And he will remain miserable even after dating foids who only desire Chad on the inside but are willing to string along some loser piece of garbage for kicks.

Ok then don't let yourself become a statisitc. It's that easy

They still want Chad 2.0 even while dating Chad 1.0, they literally never stop wanting this fantasy perfect guy in their brains who doesnt exist.

So there are just as many femcels as incels?

Imagine a guy who only wants a diamond ring but puts on gold rings then starts whining about how he loves diamond rings, this is how a foid views non Chads basically sure she will wear the ring(date you maybe even fuck you) but you will NEVER be a diamond ring to her and because of that your nothing but a source of complaint and disappointment.

And you "discovered" all this through your computer screen? Wow, we have a modern genius here. Someone bring a prize to the supreme incel who, like everyone else, only knows how to make stipulations about his favorite "chad" archetype.

>no coherent argument

Exactly, now fuck off normie. Chad simply means a male that is very facially attractive like this guy.

Attached: chad.jpg (224x224, 6.53K)

>laws even support women in this.
Isn't it illegal to get a paternity at birth in the UK because of this? I heard there were so many cases of women giving birth to kids who didn't belong to their spouse that the gov straight up made DNA testing after birth illegal

Man is a millionaire btw

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In France it is, not sure about UK.

Estimates are that 10% of fathers are raising children that are not their own. The real number is probably higher.

I take good care of myself and touch a lot of grass.

Often, on really, really wide and lushly green lawns of grass, I encounter girls...who then friendzone me.

>"You're going to make someone very happy one day."

i know in france its illegal, and i know in california if you've lived with a women and her children long enough you are legally the father even if DNA proves they arent yours. just depends how long she can maintain the lie for.