Why is stolen valor such a big deal to these militaryfags? who gives a fuck if some guy wants to play dress up...

Why is stolen valor such a big deal to these militaryfags? who gives a fuck if some guy wants to play dress up. its like these militaryfags have nothing better to do so they decided to gatekeep playing dress up. what a bunch of faggots. not even women gatekeep playing dress up to pretend to be women. soldiers are just a bunch of butthurt retards who are pissed off they wasted their prime years because they got lied to by the government into playing irl cod

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protip: its in the name
they think stolen valor is a big deal because they think dying and killing children for oil for their masters is a big deal
theyre unaware of the fact americans are the only ones who dont think soulja boys are fucking losers outside of high command

you explained it right. I'm a vet and i dont give a fuck about stolen valor etc. i actually want to go back in time and never serve the 4 years i served...

did you even kill anyone? if not why would u even sign up

imagine basing your whole identity around being an army man and then see someone LARPing as army man

I give the guys a pass. I know it has to be a total mindfuck to risk it all and then realize it is for nothing and not appreciated if you return in a bag or patched up and unrecognizable. Not sure how I would handle that

Used to be a big deal to me because the military wasn't the jobcore for losers,women, and criminals. Not so much the random discount but the respect you would give them is the issue the military had. Yes some bought into the bullshit but at least you still needed to be a man in Vietnam and it's fucked up how people died.

Now these faggots want the same respect when they will never have to see a battlefiend and their critical "non combat job" is so relaxed and boring thots post on tiktok about trying MREs. I'm not fucking go to give you respect because you got a free job from the government.

most people that sign up for the military are drop outs anyways. they werent going to amount to anything so its really a no brainer for them when they are shown all the military propaganda showing how great being in the army is when in fact it couldnt be further from the truth. anyone who is literate can do 5 minutes of research and find enough ex military testimony talking about how much they regretted wasting their lives in the army.

well not living under a chinese government is a joint effort that requires people to take it seriously (ie not treat dress up seriously)
but living under the usa government is taking an interesting turn in recent years i hope our government can become something a military force takes seriously again
by not being a government that requires soldiers to accommodate for hairy women

imagine being such a fucking nothing that you couldn't even manage to join the army

the term "stolen valor" only makes sense if the LARPer was pretending to be a combat veteran. Being in the military, by itself, doesn't require any actual valor. there should be a different term for LARPers who wear the uniform without pretending they were in combat

That kind of person doesn't exist because retards only do stolen valor so they can make up bullshit about how much ptsd they have from what they've seen

At this point I don't even know. Fucking hate the military. Donated to homes for our troops and wrote guilt as the reason because I was thinking of the military's sacrifice and they went all schizo on me and kept grilling me for information

Normies being outraged because theyve been told they should be outraged. Most of the people that are busted, after 3 minutes of interaction, its quite obvious that theyre not all there mentally. Some are straight up restarted yet still: muh OUTRAGE!!

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t. Retard

I realize that duping goes on but I still give them a pass. being desperate shouldn't get you maimed beyond recognition or watch bodies of buddies explode. You go from flipping burgers to wiping brains off your shirt

There's a difference between wearing Camo in public and full on acting like you're enlisted with a purple heart and medal of honour. Before you bitch about something understand it faggot.

It's not about the uniform, it's about someone taking credit for doing the shit they did. I'm not even in the military but it's kind of obvious.

>Private first class Jodie reporting for duty, ma'am
woah based

If you're gonna put on full camp might as well go the extra mile and add on some decorations. What do you have some senpai in the military? If you do I hope they get sent to Ukraine

It's not a big deal most people who served were the equivalent of Walmart employees.
Youre not better than me because you were a dry cook at a Burger King in Kabul

Obviously if you drove a forklift that's different I will always thanks these operators for their service

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What if I drove a forklift in the army. I was just there for muh benefits

Anyone can drive a forklift user only the chosen few can be operators