I wish I could hug an American black bear, they're so cute

I wish I could hug an American black bear, they're so cute

I bet it'd feel nice

Attached: FJugBeYXoAQ4N_h.jpeg.jpg (937x1171, 332.53K)

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same user, i love bears
their ears look so soft i want to touch them

It probably smells pretty bad (wild animal). And assuming it has no intent of harming you, it'd probably still kill you. Though less of a "die human" more like "woops you broke" way

But a wild bear's diet is mostly berries and plant matter, I doubt they'd smell that bad

In any case, you can't convince me not to want to hug and cuddle with one, they're just so adorable


Based, I'd like to hug a wolf too

Attached: Wolf man.jpg (600x600, 156.59K)

They're ridiculously strong but behave more like squirrels around humans unless you happen to encounter a she-bear with her cubs. In that case you're going to get fucking mauled.

I want to meet a he-bear and cuddle the shit out of him

If that's true he probably raised them. Naturally wolf packs have two alphas, the alpha pair who birthed and made the puppies that grew up to form the pack.

Sounds like you should go back to then.

They will literally just walk up to you and gnaw at you casually

Why? I'm not posting anthro stuff

Bear fag got BTFO and fled

I'm still here

Tfw no bear to hug and sleep with

I saw a mother and two cubs while hiking late February in 2020, right at the start of all this virus hoax and lockdowns. I tried to get close but they are a lot more skittish than I had expected. It was still a fun experience.


Attached: treadwell.jpg (720x576, 79.49K)

Should've taken one of the cubs to be your bear husbando

The American Black Bear can definitely view humans as food. They are less aggressive than the Grizzly Bear, but should still be treated with the proper respect. A black bear is easier to scare away than a grizzly. The grizzly is as likely to kill for you being in his space as he is to kill you for food. But both can and will eat people. The Black bear because he is desperate for food, and the grizzly because you are a convenient food source if you're dumb enough to walk next to one.

the dynamic inside a pack of wolves is more like a human family and the whole alpha thing has been disproven already

What would happen if I tried to cuddle up against a black bear on a cold winter nught if I offered him food beforehand?

Winter night he's probably hibernating anyway.