I did Lateral Raises with the 15lb dumbbells today

I did Lateral Raises with the 15lb dumbbells today

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Bet your form was shit too

it took me 2 (two) years to reach that lmao. delts are some bitch ass muscles

I can do the 30lbs and I can do Pause Reps for 3 sec at the top. Eat shit you weakling

Great job user, you'll soon hit 10lb dbs

>he doesn't do Lu raises

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20 lbs, fuck I'm retarded

bro why be rude when you can just be quiet? try lifting your brother up instead of tearing him down. proud of you king keep on that grind

well call me a british dad because I'm raising these lads

just about everyone I've seen doing more than 15s is lurching the weight up with their whole body like a retard
there's one guy who does them with fucking 35s and is almost into a bent-over row stance at the bottom of the rep
all this to say that OP, you're doing good, and make sure to focus on form with this movement and not be so up your own ass you egolift a fucking lateral raise

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> Do lat raises for the first time
> start with 5kg because I am not a pussy
> have to drop it to 3.5kg to actually complete a set

A humbling experience

Bros my shoulder started to hurt when I'm doing lateral raises for about 2 weeks now. I do it with 20 lbs for 15 reps. How do I know if I permanently injured my shoulder?

I do the Rich Piana arm feeder workout at night, basically 4x20 lightweightat 15lbs to get blood flow into your arms/delts.

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Good for you. You'll be at 20 in no time.

Highest I've gotten is 12.5 kilos in 2020 but then I started doing hard drugs after my gf left me and now I'm still stuck at 10 kilos.

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moving from 15s to 20s was a pain in the ass
I have lanky ass arms, yet I try to keep my elbow straight (not locked) and hold the top of the rep for 1-2 seconds
up to doing 15 rep sets after OHP, may go to 25 soon
what do you think bruz?

how many reps are you guys doing?

What's proper form on lat raises? I sometimes see people with very bent elbows and the idea is to try and touch your elbow and pinky to the ceiling. Then I see form with only a slight bend but your arms are way straighter and you keep your palms down

The straighter your arms are, the heavier the weights will be on your delts. The longer you keep the weights at full extension locked at the top (which is where most of the isometric stress is imposed) for the majority of your reps you're golden, moreso if you continue doing cheat reps to the point where you can't even lift the weights laterally at all

it's really a bitch because you have to go up by increments of 5lb on each side, which is 10lb, on a lift where that's a large percentage of the weight. Going from 20 to 25 was a very good feel.