Casein vs Whey

Casein vs Whey

Does it actually make a difference if you're still DYEL? Casein is currently cheaper and I'm running out of protein powder.

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Not really. Whey is digested faster so it's best taken when you feel like you need protein quickly, like if you haven't had any for a few hours and you go hit the weights, a shake of whey will be good. Same in the morning since you'll have not eaten in over 8 hours by that point.
Casein is digested more slowly.

Both will effectively work the exact same as the most important part of protein is not really the timing but the total amount you eat in a day.

Where they really differ is in cooking applications. Casein absorbs a lot more water than whey so you can make some pretty spongy/moist protein desserts with it. Whey on the other hand dries up very quickly.

thanks bro

nice post

as the first post laid out, casein digests significant slower so as a DYEL i would never go for another but whey as you want to be digesting as easily and as fast as possible to be able to consume more macros

Why not both?

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Casein before bed for recovery, whey any other time is what I heard

What about collagen with branch chain aminos added?

The problem with this approach is while it instinctively makes sense, getting your 8 hours of sleep a night is a lot more important than protein before bed. I'm talking orders of magnitude more important.

Here's the explanation; protein has by far and away the highest thermic effect of any macronutrient. Meaning, eating and digesting protein raises your body temperature by a few F. This is a problem, as getting hot before bed or worse yet, getting the protein sweats, will make it very hard for your body to fall asleep properly and enter a deep REM sleep. To sleep properly and deeply, your body needs to DROP a few degrees F.

It is much better to have most of your protein needs taken care of through the day and keep it light on the proteins before bed.

indrasting argument

So you're saying my sleep schedule of falling asleep at 6am, waking up at 9am, checking in on work and then falling back asleep for another 1.5-3 hours isn't ideal?

Obviously lmao

You're leaving a lot of gains on the table

Yeah I know, makes me feel like shit too (shocker). It'll fix itself eventually, for a while, and then it'll slowly get back to that again, and so the cycle continues. Fucking infuriating

If you live in the states or canada, try the Gorilla Dream supplement. I can't get it where I live but what I've heard about it is only positive.

If you can't or it's too expensive, try some melatonin tablets/capsules. 2mg each or more, take 30 minutes before you need to go to bed.
So if you need to wake up at 9am, you take the tablet at half past midnight and head to sleep.

A magnesium supplement will also help your sleep quality as well as vitamin B6.

3rd worlders don’t have access to either and they’re fine. I have a bunch of protein powder that I haven’t used in a while. Protein powder isn’t a bulking food, it’s a cutting food, for getting sufficient protein with no other calories. You should not be relying on it to get big or enough protein. Something cheaper like rice and beans will have more than enough protein and will have other macros to get you out of dyel land. Don’t buy any more OP. I can get lentils for $1 a lb and it’s got 14 servings of 8 grams of protein per serving, mixed with rice it’s been a great bulking food for cheap. Throw in some eggs or meat, too.
Gay meme. Collagen is the worst protein for you and the cheapest for them to sell.

Interesting, I've never heard of it but I'd definitely be willing to give it a go. Melatonin doesn't work for me for whatever reason, at least not for actually getting me to sleep. I usually end up just having a few glasses of wine and eventually I'll feel somewhat sleepy enough to go to bed

Simple things you can do to help you along or even potentially make melatonin work is to simply make sure your room is nice and dark, cool and you cut out all electronics an hour before bed. This basically ensures that all the natural bodily sleep mechanics fire up properly.
Also, caffeine has a half life of 6 hours. That means that after 6 hours, half the caffeine you ingested is still running in your blood.
If you had a couple cups of coffee even like 4 hours before bed, not even melatonin will help you.

Casein is literally dogshit. Don't even try to make a shake with it, it's like drinking literal wet concrete. Oatmeal is slightly better with it, but still too thick even for oatmeal. Greek yogurt is probably your best bet to mix it with. Shit makes me gag, whey is worth whatever slight price difference there may be.

Yeah, I went through all that a long while ago when I first tried melatonin, never seemed to help much. Haven't had caffeine in years either, I used to drink a lot of coffee but then it started giving me panic attacks so I cut it out. Turns out I had pretty severe hypertension and the caffeine was elevating my heart rate to insane levels.
Sleep has always just been a struggle for me, I've pretty much come to terms with the fact that if I have a set wakeup time (i.e. some early morning meeting), I'm not gonna get more than an hour or two of sleep, if any. The only reason I even get as much sleep as I do now is due to having a super flexible WFH job where they don't care what hours I work, when I was in the office I'd generally only get like 3 hours of sleep a night.
I'm pretty sure my body just operates on a non-24 hour cycle, so I can never have a good sleep routine for very long before it slowly deteriorates into going to bed just as the sun's coming up.

Casein is literally the protein you get in Greek yoghurt.

Whey isolate after workout, casein before sleep. That every day.