1. what is your favorite?

1. what is your favorite?
2. what's the least you could settle down for?

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My ex-wife had #4, I dont really miss her but I miss that body.

Favourite is 3, would settle at 7. I'm a 1 lesbo

4-7 are my favorite, would settle for a 3 but not an 8

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wouldn't go beyond 5

All my favorite escorts are either skinny or slim, but all of them have pretty big boobs, way bigger than the skinny pic one

0. im a lanklet myself and always liked thing girls. will go up to 1 or 3 though and have had 6 once when i got blackkout drunk and she ad her friends took kadvange of me fuck my life

4 is best, would be fine with 0-7. Basically don't be a fucking whale.

0 is perfect 1-3 is amazing 4-5 is good 6+ is disgusting

4 or 1 are my preferences, But I can settle for anything between 0-7

anything from 1 to 6

1-6, 7 depending on her face.

My favorites are 6, 7, 8 & 9. Basically would go for a chubby to supersized NEET who doesn't shave or bathe. I don't see the appeal of 0. Spooning with a skeleton chick is not my idea of a good time.

Based. Luv me fatties. Simple as.

7 is ideal, but that slag looks old as fuck, so probably the face of 5.

>1. what is your favorite?
>2. what's the least you could settle down for?
#0 to #7

GF/Baby Mama Material = 1,2,3 & 4.

Would gladly fuck = 0,5

Would fuck but not tell anybody = 6

Disgusting = 7,8,9

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This, 6 is as far as Id go because I am chubby myself. I wouldn't be willing to be with a woman fatter than my fat ass.

1. Something between 0 and 1
2. Something between 5 and 6, 6 is almost alright, but a bit on the heavier side

of the ones pictured Slim without a doubt
also 6 and above are obese not chubby or plump

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6 looks pretty nice. I'd say I'm attracted to anything 3-9 inclusive without caveats. 2, I don't really prefer, but sure. 1 is getting too skinny. 0 is gross.

i see your mediocre picks and raise you pic related, a mix between 2 and 5 = UNF

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two through six

Has to be at least a 7 for me, 9 ideal. I could settle for a 4 or 5 with a compatible personality but she'll be at least one grade higher by the end of the year.

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