Believes the earth is a globe that spins on an axis

>believes the earth is a globe that spins on an axis
>believes mankind evolved from monkeys
You have no connection to the Earth. You are a blasphemous, deceived tool that reduces the heavens to elementary spheres that orbit one another. Enjoy your eternity in hell sinner.

Attached: The Truth.png (1058x538, 193.8K)

What keeps the moon and the sun in the sky, magic?

They are held together by ionic compounds that cause a spotlight diffraction towards the earth. Decompressed entities exist higher up. Compressed entities exist on the earths' surface. The sun and the moon are lighter than air. The daylight hours are all manipulated due to every map being constructed to converge to a planetary model, in reality they will never let you measure the know world.

>ionic compounds
>spotlight diffraction
>Decompressed entities
Holy fucking shit dude just fucking stop.
If you're really getting taken in by this shit, you almost deserve it at this point.
>durhur bug words I don't understand but sound smart, better agree with smart guys also smart.
It's nonsense user. This shit doesn't mean a goddamn thing.

Attached: 1642549254544.gif (480x230, 449.55K)

>dude trust me
Yea you totally didn't come up with that word salad from your ass.
>How do you know this?
I just do

>no arguments
Keep coping retards, keep believing in bent space and retarded ideas of "Newtonian physics" that make the earth spin.

i like how they misspelled stanley kubrick

You literally came up with that explanation from your ass, you think that's how science is done?

>in 7 days
Source ummm

My explanation come from my senses, not dogma you religiously believe.
Read the Bible, or understand that a supreme intelligence could conjure the elements of the earth within the days in which God decided to conquer inadequate design for more worldly inspiration.

>My explanation come from my senses, not dogma you religiously believe.

Oh that's how it is. Well i can't see you right now, my senses are telling me you don't exist because i don't see you. You must not be real then. There, i just proved you're fake

>i do not exist
How come an action of mine can cause a reply? You are controlled by the belief that your message could be in anyway impactful to the presupposed disagreement. First-hand evidence is the root of true knowledge. You have faith in beliefs beyond your comprehension and critique.

>How come an action of mine can cause a reply?
I could be talking to an AI or a bot, it could be my imagination, it could be a dog typing this. I'm going by your retard logic you see?

>retard logic
Empiricism is the mother of all knowledge. Your shit example could be disproven from the observable understanding that your imaginary is confined by your perception of the future and your dreams from your past and by the present. Dogs cannot function on holographic, synthetic solid light, and on manmade symbols inscribed on a keyboard, which makes the claim ineffectual. A bot or AI ought not see a function within intellectualizing retarded entities on Any Forums. Therefore you must be talking to an enlightened human that understands true knowledge.

Just take your meds retard, i'd bet a hundred grand you'd get absolutely butt blasted by a real scientist in a debate.

the sun is alive and it has a vagina

Kinda based. Im gonna believe your model if it means I can post smug frogs and make space fags seethe

Hahahahahhaha holy fuck dude nothing you are saying is making sense.
You're not in the top 1% dude, you're in the bottom 1%

>>believes mankind evolved from monkeys
God raised man from the dust of the earth, and a thousand years is like a day to the Lord. Evolution is not in contradiction with scripture.

Scientists are actually masonic drones conforming to a higher degree of satanic malpractice. Since their weak feeble minds can be easily manipulated.
You are a Satanist gone full anti-Christ. Loose interpretations of the bible is caused from sin, since a healthy person can absorb the body of the bible full heartedly without deceit.

>Scientists are actually masonic drones conforming to a higher degree of satanic malpractice. Since their weak feeble minds can be easily manipulated.

You'd still get rekt by one. I dare you, go have a debate with a scientist on national telivision, oh wait, you're not important enough kek.

The communication can be transmitted to inferior minds from a belief-platform facilitated within the nexus core of the nearby indoctrination plant. Within adequate will I can disturb the scientists and cause projectiles of lead to penetrate their skulls. Within the new approximate belief hierarchy I can cause any television station to agree with any output I transpire.